-Chapter Seventeen-

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Continuation of Coronation day.

Abelia Fern Russo.

pheww! The guests have started arriving they are dressed up to their standard.. They have expensive taste, and they look clean and Rich Ofcause. Steven and the rest of  Maids have finished working in the Gardens the flowers were up to everyone's standard, it was clean purely clean then suddenly we were called for by the guards to attend a matter in the kitchen chambers, Madam Adrasteia was standing there with black items in her hands.

"humans! This is what you will wear for the ceremony. If you have a problem with it then Consult the king because he had chosen the outfits himself. So ladies and gentleman you have 5 minutes to get dressed and get back to work chop chop."Madam Adrasteia said so she loved it when people followed her orders, she disliked back talkers and Sassy people.she would punish them brutally. They needed submissive people they wanted to rule over us and be dominant so that's what we were trash, Submissive, Quiet and Self absorbed.

I finished dressing  and I saw Emliy and Vivi in their dresses to.

"This is hideous look at me!" Vivi said eyeing herself in disgust

"well you should get used to it girl! Stop complaining it's not worth it or else you want the king to actually lose his attention on someone else and use you for the time being!" Emily said while not looking bothered about the situation we are in.

"I am so uncomfortable this dress is Revealing and I don't like it at all, what's there in the party for us to wear such dresses?" I asked needing answers from our source Ofcause Emily.

"Well You know some Maids would find themselves brought by some masters! Of some kingdoms" Emily said.

Vivi and I looked at each other, we did not want to lose each other I mean we are Bestfriends for goodness sake and we grew up together and nothing came in between us.

"Humans get the fuck out the chambers! Stop wasting time." The guards said do.

"let's go ladies, I cannot wait for this night to end"emily said so.. She was so chilled

Then we got out of our Chambers and stood a line while we enter th Royal hall for this kingdom.

Then Madam Adarasteia arranged us into our assigned workplaces, The ball was full of different people coming to rejoice with Dracula and his family, his mother, The queen look worried. She was loss of words not much of a talker but she had to smile but no that's not the case.

We were working up and down! We had not yet  to chill, these people were perverts especially Man, they have been watching me ever since we had arrived in South Africa it's just  beautiful woman and successful man who are married.

"Abelia, Are you okay and are you enjoying the party?" Emily asked.

"A little! But Atleast I am aware from that asshole and that dirty gardern." I said.

"Well now our soon To be king is about to take over! And he deserves it shame" then I took an opportunity to look in.. Dracula appeared in his whole glory.. He was bold, He screamed power as he walked in there. It was time for the  assigning the new king

"Dracula Silas Aganthangelou please stand up forward and place both your hands into this book of my mine." Then Dracula did all that.

"And repeat after me" Dracula nodded.

"Mister! Is your highness willing to take the oath!" one of the elders said so.

"I am  willing" The queen answered.

"Do you actually promise to Protect your people, Die for them and kill for them?"

"Yes I do!" Silas answered.

"Will there be equality and will the Maids reside I. A safe area." The elder asked.

"Yes there will be"

"Will you not cheat like your father and become greedy like?" The elder asked.

"No!" the elder smiled.then he put in his crown.

"I may now pronounce you king of The Vampire kingdom Dracula Silas Aganthangelou." He also bowed down to show respect.

After a few hours of the rich dancing and screaming because of thd enthusiasm towards they new king.

Then people are food and drank expensive wine whileist someone appeared on stage with a woman and that woman was princess Viana She had on a. Long dress with a slit.. She looked insanely beautiful with her slender caramel legs showing I wanted to be like her she looked sexy and the way king Vladimir looked at her you would swear that he wants to jump her and immediately lay with her in bed and the wrath Queen lenora had was off days, She looked defeated and Depressed. Her husband was playing her for a fool, He was not being tolerant and understanding.. He has been doing the most of it teasing her, treating her like a rubbish bean, How typical is this..

"We have an announcement to make in regards of the two lovers, King Dracula and Princess Viana, The king and the princess are to be married.. They are engaged and they love each other.. The wedding is to be next month but the princess will be residing in this Castle for protection and Care purposes since they are expecting

The crowd cheered, they were a round of applauses from everyone. Except us their servants I was so cold, The dress was also doing me no Justice.

Really did break me! I have never expected such from her, Viana was A sweet woman but she has practically changed she was so humble and or this was part of an act because she has been talkative, selfish, bragging about her husbands, how Good he is in bed but what are we going to do with this information this will be the end of me, it has destroyed me, I love king Dracula and I would never stop but I feel like the prophecy was mistaken we would never kill each other we might hate ourselves but we would never do such a thing . It is nothing like us but the prophecy still stands. But will the curse break since there's also Princess Viana in.

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