-Chapter Two-

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Abelia Fern POV ( Point of view)

(Flashback) Continuation...

"Camellia !!!,Please do not take her away,Please sir do not take our daughter away from us ,I can't leave without her , We love her sir ,We would do an-anything but do not take her." I looked at my Mom she was pleading the Man ,She was worshipping the man ,She was crying ,Begging ,She cried as if she is someone who is in a lot of pain.

"There is no point in begging worthless ,Useless human !! ,the king has requested her to be taken away from you she is 18 years of cause so there's no point in begging and pleading we will not spare her at any cost ,And my she's a beautiful one we would love a one night with her." The filthy Vampire spoke happily as if he has gotten candy as his blood.

"please ,Sir we beg of you have humanity and a heart Sir." She begged while on her knees as if this person is some God ,I hated what they were doing to us humans it was not right at all we were also special too.

"oh my!! She thinks we have hearts we have dead souls human and nothing at all can stop us ,You did this to us ,So you have to pay " The other Vampires with red eyes and swords burst in laughter .

"Lazarus ,Tell them ,Please tell them to give her to me please ,She is our gift ,She is fragile ,They must take me instead."She begged to the man touching his feet.

"Mom , Dad help me ,Mom please help me I need you I love you ,You are my only hope " with that said they were dragging her to a Carriage which is used to transport them.

Then suddenly A Man with red eyes hiding under his long black coat appeared and said "Crying is no use ,bare in mind we will be back for the little one."

"No!! ,I won't let you come near her this is enough !" He spoke bravily without getting intimidated by him.

Suddenly the man vanished into thin air.while I was shaking and crying in fear ,Mom covering my 10 Year old eyes with her hands and her not noticing that am peaking in.

And we heard her cries ,While she was going away with the others. Then suddenly her cries faded.

And Mom sinked into her knees Dad consoled her it was a painful scene to watch I have never seen them like this before ,It was heartbreaking and Sad.

(End of flashback..)

Then all of a suddenly I woke and all I smelled was smoke and heard my Mom's voice her calling for me to open up because we need to go .Then I opened the door for her ,My Mom rushed to my side ,packed little clothes and water bottles.

"Mom what is happening ,What is going on?"I asked while whispering.

"We have to go Abelia ,They are coming for you " She also whispered .

And with that I knew it was time, then We descanded the stairs and met dad downstairs.

"Abelia and My love wear these black jackets so it won't be easy for them to identify us." He said . I knew that he was worried that something might go wrong today ,I was also scared I didn't wanna lie.

Immediately as we were wearing our jackets the vampires barged in.

"Going on a family vacation?"One of them asked Amused by us.

Then I knew it my life was over . suddenly tears in my eyes streamed down I couldn't care less all I was worried about was my dad and Mom

"Please do not take her Sir ,She belongs to us" My Mom pleaded.

"That's where you are wrong human she belongs with us" She said dangerously.

"Abelia! We have something to tell you... Please Sir spare us we want to tell her something it's about her life and the dangers she will have to endure!" Lazarus said.

"Look don't try your dolt games here and Your wasting our time... Take the Girl and Slaughter them." The vampire said.

They started grabbing me I tried to fight but they were stronger than me ,

"Mom ,Dad help me please!"I was shouting and kicking the man.All I heard was my Mom's cries and my Dad's pleads and His Groans.

And all I saw was my dad and Mom being slaughtered ,I turned around not wanting to watch the scene as these Evil , Unpleasant Man who were dragging me to their carriage ,Beating the others who are struggling. There were screams all over ,Then they pushed me into their carriage .

"If you try to escape from here ,We won't spare you ,So you better behave or else you will regret it, understand?" He said aggressively.

"Understood " then They did some spell ,Suddenly we became drowsy .

"What is happening to me " That's all I could say before I dossed of too sleep.


I am sorry for the short Chapter... I will try to make it longer next time. And please don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share!


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