-Chapter Twenty-

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Abelia Fern Russo point of view

We arrived in the kitchen everyone was In a conversation, People were filled with smiles, Conversing with one another, They were having fun and this looked like good food, it smelled great! Atleast somethings would change, His highness infact Silas was really a good King!

"It's fully packed in here!" Violet smiled.

"Well yeah it is!" I smiled at her.she returned the smile..

"Well it really is full well Lets go stand by the Que ladies we don't want to get a little sum of food, Good food only comes in once." Emily said we laughed at her attitude.

Then we dished up our food and went to our sit, Spoke about little things, it was not awkward at all. Then suddenly we had an Ahem we turned around and Looked towards the way the sound is coming from, Cassandra and her minions were staring back at us, Cassandra had wrath in her eyes.

"This is our table so move!" Cassandra said with her eyes filled with attitude.

"What? Oh hell no we not going to move, we can sit wherever we want, yall supposed to come get food earlier before yall tell us to move! And we not going to do that, or is it because your dating the King, you feel like you are his Queen, listen Carefully woman and listen Politely this will help you,You should not Run around acting as Queen, your boyfriend or the hell whatever is, Is not into you, he married another woman princess Viana so please be courteous and Walk away so that we can have our food in peace! "Emily said and she rolled her eyes because of Cassandra's stupidity.

" Cassandra don't make a fool of yourself, Please just Go! We want peace. "I said.

"oh look at her speaking to me like she owns the Castle. He also did not choose you so stop pretending to be all Sweet and humble, he left you for her.. Oh and I am glad his father Raped the shit out of you, Atleast now Silas won't get what he wanted! I am so proud of his father he did a great Job! Raped your ass.. He will only want me now! "She said

"You know! We are complete opposites, Someone would never say we are sisters it's just the resemblance, you are one evil woman. It's truly a curse that you are my sister, sisters always Fight and find a way to resolve each fight, They are always there for each other. They never forsaken each other, They never fight for a Man! That's always the last thing on their mind! They are family but you are ruining all of that for us, Why do you despise me so much? "I asked her

" You know what I always hated you, Being my Mothers and fathers favorite!, Being their little daughter who would get everything while I was always at the back. I wanted to be first, My parents did not love me anymore and speaking about resemblance what resemblance?, I am prettier than you, I have more ass than you are, I am more smarter that you are, I am everything your not so Girl! Don't you dare speak about resemblance or else we will have a problem. "She said confidently.

"You will die lonely! And anyways You are just jealous of a little girl, you have the audacity to want a married man, he does not want you so cut him some slack off woman!and stop Whoring around with everyone you see maybe that's the problem why he left you for her, you have no value anymore. " I rolled my eyes

" Atleast I ain't ugly than you are "I smiled at her.

" it's better to be ugly on the outside and be beautiful on the inner side! Your inner beauty shades your ugly outer beauty and you become beautiful inside and out so girl suit yourself. "I said and at my food quietly while the People also continued to eat then I felt a hand against my skin.. Cassandra slapped me real hard.  And I have it back to her, she was now on top of me and I pinned her downwards I was now sitting on top of her and throwing punches, I dislike what she did one thing I learn from my Bestfriend is fighting, Violet Can fight, I kicked her caked up face after a few punches and slap I let her go and went back to my chambers.. I was infuriated! She had no right to hit me like that!

Then I suddenly went out and left her still hanging, no one was going to disrespect me, She had no right at all. I was just there eating my food but she had the audacity to keep up to me and Pretend that everything for and fight with me.. I did not do anything wrong for goodness sake.


Queen lenora Point of View.

Eversince my husband died, My life has been peaceful, I am enjoying every bit of it but my Agenda is too separate this woman away from MY Silas, She was evil for him! She was not a good woman.

"Mother may I come in!" Akeldama my daughter came in.

"Yes sweetheart please do, but your already in!" She said.

"Well! Woman we have to chase that woman away immediately, She has changed everything! she is being a nuisance to our Servants and it's horrible out there, she's treating them like trash, I also Miss my brother he could have done something you know , Alaric was the best! "Akeldama said.

" Well My lovely child! Alaric is going to come back he went out to look for his mate. " I kissed her Forehead!

" But Mama! Did you listen to what I said before! "She asked.

" Yes sweetheart and don't worry, Dracula will sort this out on his Own! He will soon realise her motive, it won't be that harsh though! Don't worry yourself! About him his old.and have a Goodnight my angel! "I smiled at her

." Thank You Mummy and may I please sleep here with you! "I smiled at her.

" Okay my darling! "I immediately agreed.


Dracula Silas Aganthangelou

" My love why ain't you looking at me!
Your supposed to look at me. I love you so much! "Princess Viana said so. We were sleeping together in bed, she kept rambling about how she wanted to go shopping and how happy she would be to own a Porsche, she would be intrigued.

" Look Viana or Vienna whatever your name might be, I want you out of my palace tomorrow with all of your clothes, I don't want you anymore and I'm breaking the engagement." I said annoyingly.

"What are you saying Silas Baby! Why are you doing this to me?" She asked

"Look don't make me repeat myself!" I said to her.

"You will regret this!" she said I suddenly wore my clothes and went out of the room to cool off in the guestroom.


It's sad that we are approaching end of the story! But this not the last time your hearing from me.

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