Home for Christmas

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Peter + Edmund (Susan + Lucy)

Their 4th Christmas in Narnia

He's never spent Christmas without Peter before

"You feeling any better?"

Edmund stared at his older sister with a raised eyebrow as he sat down at the table between her and Lucy, yawning quickly before answering. "I've been fine for a couple of days Su." He said. "You don't have to keep asking me that."

Susan smiled a little. "I know." She said slowly. "But you did have a bad fever Ed, I've a right to be worried."

Edmund nodded. "I guess." He mumbled. "But I only got it because it's winter."

Susan nodded slightly, knowing Edmund tended to feel down or ill during winter, well ever since the white witch that it. "Well," She said after a moment. "At least you're better for tomorrow."

"I mean, imagine being ill on Christmas day!" Lucy cut in. "That would be awful."

Edmund chuckled lightly. "Yeah," He breathed. "Good job I'm not ill on Christmas."

"But I just want you to relax today." Susan said, and before Edmund could object, quickly continued. "I don't want you falling ill again Ed, take it easy today. Plus, I don't think Peter will be very happy if he comes home tonight and finds you in bed with another fever."

Edmund stared at her. "I guess." He sighed. "Alright, I'll take it easy."

Susan gave him a grateful smile before going back to her breakfast, only to look up when there was a knock at the door. "Yes?" She asked.

The door immediately opened and a faun walked in, carrying what looked like a letter.

He handed it to Susan with a bow before slowly leaving, closing the door behind him.

"A letter?" Lucy asked. "Who's it from?"

Susan smiled. "Peter." She said, already unfolding the paper.

Both Edmund and Lucy watched her anxiously as she read, but Edmund's face fell when Susan sighed sadly.
"What's wrong?" He asked hesitantly. "Is he alright?"

"He's fine Ed, don't worry." Susan reassured him.

"Then why do you look so upset?" Lucy asked, looking rather confused.

Susan bit her lip before glancing up at her younger siblings. "He says he's not gonna make it back for tomorrow." She practically whispered.

Lucy's face fell. "What?" She cried. "Peter won't be here for Christmas?"

"That's what the letter says." Susan mumbled, reading it one more time just to be sure.

"He won't be here again?" Lucy choked. "But this will be the second time! Two years ago neither him or Edmund were here!"

"They got home in the evening Lu." Susan reminded her. "We still got to spend a bit of time with them."

"But Peter won't be here at all this Christmas?" Lucy asked slowly.

"I'm afraid not." Susan sighed, before glancing up at her brother.

Edmund was just sat there, looking rather upset at the news, but he didn't say anything.

"You alright Ed?" Susan asked sadly.

Edmund swallowed hard and nodded. "Yeah." He mumbled, but after a second he stood from the table. "I'll see you both later." He muttered, before walking from the room.

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