Winter Flu

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Peter and Edmund
Peter: 17
Edmund: 14
Enjoy 🙈

"Peter, are you sure you're up to going?" Edmund asked as Peter sneezed.
Peter looked up at him. "What?" He asked.
Edmund sighed. "I said, are you sure you're up to going?"
Peter nodded. "Course I am." He replied. "Anyway, I've got to. There's been sightings of the witches followers near the lamppost."
"You do know I can go by myself right?" Edmund said.
"Oh no." Peter almost laughed. "There's no way I'm sending you to fight the witches followers alone."
Edmund sighed. "Peter." He said, forcing his words out of his mouth. "It happened two years ago! I was twelve then!"
"Edmund." Peter said after sneezing again. "I don't care. If anything were to happen to you I don't know what i'd do." He paused. "You do know that there's rumours going around saying that they're trying to bring the witch back from the dead."
Edmund nodded slowly. "Yeah, I heard." He breathed.
Peter nodded, sniffing. "So now you understand why I have to come with you."
Edmund sighed but nodded. "Alright." He said. "But I'm only saying yes because I know you'll come anyway."
Peter smirked. "You know me too well." He said.
"Well, you are my brother." Edmund said.
Peter laughed before the expression on his face changes completely. "I - I have to go to the bathroom quickly." He choked before he ran off.
Edmund took a deep breath before sighing. He wished Peter would just stay at Cair. It was pretty obvious that he wasn't well. But then again Edmund knew he wouldn't let him go alone, especially to fight the witches followers. He waited for a while before Peter came back, looking rather pale.
"Pete?" Edmund asked warily. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." Peter said firmly. "I'm fine."
Edmund gave him an unimpressed look before he sighed.
"Come on then." Peter said as he headed down to the stables.
Edmund followed behind, keeping a close eye on Peter.
They reached the stables and Edmund walked over to Phillip. "Morning Phillip." He said with a smile.
"Good morning King Edmund." The horse replied. "How are you today?"
"I'm fine thanks." Edmund replied. "Wish I could say the same about Peter." He mumbled.
"Is your brother okay?" Philip asked.
Edmund sighed. "No. He's rather ill." He replied.
"Then why is he coming?" Philip wondered.
"Because he's Peter." Edmund said. "The stubborn, overprotective big brother."
Philip gave a small laugh. "If I remember king Edmund, you can be just as stubborn as your brother."
Edmund raised an eyebrow. "Shut up." He said, an amused look in his eyes. "Or I'll call you 'Horsey' the whole way there."
Phillip gave him an unimpressed look. "My name is philip." He said firmly, but Edmund could tell he was playing.
Edmund chuckled before climbing up onto his back.
"You two ready?" Peter asked, riding up to them on his horse.
"Yep." Edmund said. "You?"
Peter hesitated. "Yeah." He said eventually before he left the stables. Edmund sighed as he followed on behind and they entered the woods.
"I'm sure King Peter will be fine your majesty." Philip said as he noticed the worried look in Edmund's eyes.
"Hmm." Was Edmund's reply as Philip trotted up to his brother.
Peter coughed a few times before turning to look at his brother. "You okay Ed?" He asked, the sound of his voice telling Edmund at once that he had a blocked nose.
"I think I should be asking you that question." Edmund said.
Peter sighed. "Edmund look." He said. " I'm fine. It's just a cold. "
Edmund laughed. "It's a lot more than just a cold Pete."
Peter gave Edmund a glare. "I'm fine." He said before trotting off ahead.

- After one day of traveling -

"By Aslan it's freezing!" Philip muttered as he trotted at a slow pace.
"It's the end of November Philip." Edmund said. "What did you expect."
Peter trotted beside his brother on his horse, feeling like he was going to pass out at any second. But he forced himself to stay awake so that he could keep an eye on his brother. Peter knew how much Edmund hated the cold, hated winter. And he also knew that if it were to start snowing then Edmund would freak out completely. He'd hated winter and snow ever since her.
"Edmund, you okay?" Peter asked, his voice raspy and weak. 
"Yeah." Edmund said as his teeth chattered. "You?"
Peter nodded. "Same." He said after a while.
Edmund didn't believe him at all but said nothing.
They carried on their journey for at least another hour before Peter quickly stopped his horse, climbed off and ran into some nearby bushes.
"Peter?!" Edmund said worridly as he jumped off of Philip and ran after his brother.
His face fell as he found Peter throwing up, bent over with his arms wrapped across his stomach.
"Oh Pete." Edmund whispered, kneeling beside his brother and placing a hand on his back.
Peter coughed a few times before slowly straightening up, wiping his mouth. "I'm fine." He choked.
"For pity sake Peter!" Edmund sighed. "You literally just threw up! And you threw up before we left too, didn't you?"
Peter sighed before slowly nodding.
"Why did you come Peter?" Edmund sighed.
"There was no way I was letting you fight the witches followers alone!" Peter choked. "Not when there's a risk that they might actually bring her back to life. You have no idea what it would do to me if she got her hands on you Ed, if she hurt you again. I came because I wanted to protect you!"
Edmund stared at him before sighing. "I understand." He mumbled. "But you have to understand Peter that I'm a lot older than I was last time. Last time I was selfish and horrible, and to be honest I deserved everything she did to me-"
"Don't Ed." Peter said firmly. "You didn't."
Edmund sighed, knowing that this wasn't really the best time to start an argument.
Peter took a deep breath, starting to tremble as he placed a hand to his forehead.
"You okay?" Edmund asked warily.
"My head hurts." Peter mumbled. "And I'm cold."
Edmund immediately took off his cloak and wrapped it around Peter's shoulders.
"Edmund you're gonna freeze!" Peter said loudly, noticing how his brother was shivering when he had the cloak on.
"I don't care." Edmund said as his teeth chattered and he shivered. "You need it more than I do."
Peter sighed but had no strength to argue. His eyes closed slowly as he took a deep breath. "I feel dizzy." He muttered.
"We need to get you help." Edmund said quickly.
Peter sighed, he hated it when people fussed over him like this.
"Aren't the beavers at their dam for a while at the moment?" Edmund asked.
"I think so." Peter replied, keeping his eyes closed, when he opened them he went really dizzy and felt like he was going to throw up. "Why?"
"That's where I'm taking you." Edmund said suddenly.
"What?!" Peter said, his eyes opening.
"Cair Paravel is way to far away." Edmund said firmly. "The beavers dam is less than four hours from here. So that's where we are going." 
Peter stared at him for a minute before slowly nodding, though he didn't look at all happy with the decision.
"And you're to ride with me on Philip." Edmund said, stopping Peter when he tried to protest. "We're sending your horse back to Cair to tell someone else to go after the witches followers."
Peter sighed but didn't argue when he was pulled to be feet and led over to Philip.
"Is everything okay?" Peter's horse asked.
Edmund shook his head. "King Peter's not well." He said. "I need you to go back to Cair and tell someone that someone else has to go to the lamppost. Tell Queen Susan and Queen Lucy that I'm taking King Peter to the beavers dam and that we'll be fine."
"Of course your majesty." And with that the horse was gone.
"How fast can you get us to the dam Philip?" Edmund asked quickly.
"Depends." Philip replied. "Three to four hours maybe?"
Edmund nodded. "Up you get Peter."
Peter stared at him, looking rather dazed and extremely pale. "Pete!"
"What?" Peter choked, frowning.
"Up you get." Edmund repeated.
Peter nodded slowly and climbed up onto Philips back, Edmund following and sitting in front of him. "Wrap your arms around my waist so that you don't fall off." He told Peter.
"I'm not going to fall off!" Peter said firmly.
"Peter!" Edmund said. Peter sighed but did as Edmund had said. "And you think I'm the one that never does as he's told." Edmund muttered before Philip started trotting. Within five minutes though he was galloping through the woods as fast as he could, heading towards the beavers dam.
After an hour Edmund felt Peter's head fall against his shoulder and looked around worridly. He worried even more though when he saw that Peter's eyes were closed and his skin was as white as snow.
Edmund turned around slightly and placed the back of his hand against Peter's forehead, only to bite his tongue when he felt how high his temperature was.
"Philip we need to hurry." Edmund said. "Peter's just passed out."
Philip nodded as he quickened his pace.
Edmund grabbed hold of Peter as best he could seeming as he was sat in front of him, hoping that he wouldn't fall off, hoping that they'd reach the beavers dam soon.


"Mr Beaver?! Mrs beaver?!" Edmund shouted, knocking on the door to the beavers house, unable to see because of how dark it was. Edmund struggled to keep Peter upright as he'd leant him against his shoulder as he knocked on the door.
The door gave a small clock before opening and Mr Beaver popped his head out.
"King Edmund?" He said, sounding rather surprised. "What are you doing here?"
"It's Peter." Edmund replied, nodding at his brother. "He's not well."
Me beaved glanced at Edmund as Mrs beaver came walking up behind him. "Oh my gosh!" She exclaimed as she saw Peter. "Quickly! Come inside."
Edmund struggled inside the dam. "I would've taken him back to Cair, but it's much too far away." He said as Philip said he'd stay outside.
"Of course!" Said Mrs Beaver. "Lay him down." She said, nodding at a small bed.
Edmund did as he was told and lay Peter down, sighing in relief.
Mrs Beaver busied herself with filling a bowl with water and then rummaging around cupboards to find a cloth.
Mr beaver came and stood beside Edmund who was watching Peter with worry in his eyes. "He'll be alright." He said, patting Edmund's leg.
Edmund nodded. "Course he will." He forced a smile. "He's Peter."
Mr beaver chuckled. "Exactly."
Then Mrs Beaver hurried over, clutching the bowl of water in her hands. She wet the cloth and wrung it before placing it on Peter's forehead.
"Where were you two off too anyway?" Mr beaver asked.
"There were sightings of the witches followers near the lamppost." Edmund said. "We're were going off to get rid of them, if you like."
Mr beaver nodded.
"He was ill before you left?" Mrs Beaver said suddenly, fussing over Peter.
Edmund nodded. "I tried to tell him not to come but he wouldn't listen." He said.
Mrs Beaver sighed. "Sounds like him to be honest." She muttered as she draped a blanket over Peter.
Edmund nodded.
"He should be fine in a few days though." Mr beaver said. "It just looks like flu."
Edmund sighed as he thanked the beavers before sitting down beside his brother and placing a hand on his shoulder. 


Edmund sighed in relief as Peter slowly began to open his eyes. It was now the next morning and he'd stayed up all night. Mr and Mrs Beaver were still asleep leaving just him, and now Peter.
Peter frowned as he stared up at the ceiling before slowly looking at his brother. "What?" He mumbled, trying to sit up.
Edmund pushed him back down and pulled the blanket over him. "We're at the beavers house." He said.
Peter frowned for a minute before nodding. "Oh." He mumbled.
"How you feeling?" Edmund asked.
Peter shrugged. "Better." He said.
"That's good." Edmund muttered. "Peter?" He said.
"You should've stayed at Cair." Edmund muttered.
"You know full well the reason I didn't!" Peter said quickly and firmly, pointing at Edmund.
Edmund sighed. "But you knew you were ill!" He said.
"And I didn't care!" Peter argued back. "All I cared about was you!"
"You're so protective Pete!" Edmund said.
"And I've got a reason to be." Peter muttered in reply.
"Now now! What's all this noise!" Mrs Beaver came waddling up to them with another bowl in her hand.
"Sorry." Edmund mumbled as Peter nodded.
"Glad to see you're awake." Mrs Beaver said to Peter.
Peter smiled a little as Mrs beaver wet another cloth and pressed it to Peter's forehead.
"I'm fine." Peter said. "Really."
Mrs Beaver sighed. "You've got one stubborn brother." She said to Edmund.
Edmund raised an eyebrow. "Tell me about it." He said, causing Peter to give him an unimpressed look.
"Why don't we just go back to Cair?" He said.
"Oh no!" Mrs Beaver said, beating Edmund to it. "You're to stay here until at least tomorrow."
Peter didn't look at all impressed. "But I'm fine!"
"Peter." Edmund said in a warning tone.
Peter sighed but said nothing else as Mrs beaver walked away before coming back with a cup of water. "You need to drink." She said.
Peter nodded slowly, not exactly wanting to argue with Mrs beaver, so he took the water and sipped on it.
"Sipping on it like that isn't going to do anything Peter." Edmund sighed.
Peter groaned but drank enough to satisfy his brother before lying back down again.
"I wish you'd both stop fussing over me." He muttered.
Edmund shook his head as Mrs beaver sighed. "I wish you'd let us help you!" Edmund replied.
Peter bit his lip but said no more.
"Why don't you get some more sleep?" Edmund suggested. "And then when you wake up again we can head home?"
Peter nodded, looking slightly relieved. He rolled onto his side and closed his eyes, falling asleep almost immediately.
Edmund sighed sadly and stood. "I'm going to get some fresh air." He told Mrs beaver.
"Of course." She replied. "I'll stay with your brother."
Edmund nodded thankfully with a smile before walking twords the door. "And Edmund?"
Edmund spun around and gave her a questioning look. "He'll be alright."
Edmund smiled again and nodded before stepping out into the cold November morning.


So - not my best one shot but please let me know what you thought of it xx

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