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Before Narnia
Peter + Edmund

"Why can't you just do as you're told?"

Peter sighed as he lay in the bomb shelter, watching his sisters and mum sleep, unable to sleep himself. He could still hear the faint sound of bombs dropping and the air-raid siren, and couldn't calm him pounding heart.
Taking a deep breath his eyes scanned over to his brother, who looked as though he was fast asleep in the corner of the shelter.
He felt a surge of anger when he remembered earlier, and how Edmund had stupidly run back into the house to get the picture of their dad, the same Picture his little brother now held tightly against his chest.
What was he thinking!? He could've gotten them both killed! They were Peter's thoughts as he ran his hand through his hair in frustration, looking away from his brother and up at the ceiling of the bomb shelter.
He lay there for what seemed like forever before there was a loud sniff from behind him.
He froze for a moment, listening - and sure enough there was another sniff, followed by a quiet, half strangled sob.
Sighing to himself Peter slowly sat up, he knew that sob, it belonged to his brother... and the very sound of the crying caused all his anger to disappear.
He knew Edmund wouldn't let him comfort him, but he could atleast try.
Taking a deep breath he turned around, seeing that his brother had his face buried against the thin blanket that was covering him.
Trying to be as quiet as he could he shuffled across the shelter and sat in front of Edmund, reaching out to place a hand on his shoulder.
The second he did though Edmund's head snapped up, his eyes going wide, and the second he saw Peter he jerked away from his touch, scowling and rubbing viciously at his tears.
"Ed." Peter sighed.
"What?" Edmund hissed, keeping his voice at a whisper.
"What's wrong?" Peter asked, lowering his arm to his side.
"Nothing." Edmund said quickly. "I'm fine."
Peter raised an eyebrow, unsure if Edmund saw it in the darkness. "You're crying." He pointed out.
"No I'm not." Edmund spat, giving Peter a glare. "And why would you care anyway?!"
Peter stared at him. "Because I'm you're older brother." He said firmly. "It's my job to care."
Edmund just glared at him, not saying anything else.
Peter sighed and glanced down at Edmund's hands, still tightly gripping the photo frame, the glass on it completely smashed, and it was only then did he realise a large cut going across his brothers hand. "Ed what happened?" He asked quickly, grabbing Edmund's hand and examining the cut.
Edmund swallowed hard, keeping the scowl on his face even though he didn't pull away. "The glass." He shrugged.
Peter sighed sadly and pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, and satisfied that there was no glass in the wound, wrapped it around his brothers hand and tied it tightly.
"Ow!" Edmund hissed, eventually pulling his hand away. "That hurt."
"Well you wouldn't even have the cut if you hadn't of run back into the house like that." Peter snapped, dropping his hands into his lap.
Edmund stared at him, gripping the picture even tighter against his chest.
"You put your life in danger Ed." Peter said, his voice hard and firm. "And mine." He added.
"Yeah, well I never asked you to come charging after me did I?" Edmund spat, but Peter heard his voice crack, if only the slightest bit.
Peter glared at him. "And if I didn't then you would be dead right now." He said harshly.
Edmund stared at him, his thoughts trailing back to that moment, the one where Peter had - he hated to admit it - saved his life.
He would never admit to his brother, not in a million years, but when Peter had grabbed him, wrapping his arms tightly around him and pulling him against his chest... he'd felt safe.
For a moment, all the bombs had disappeared, the fear, the worry, everything - and it was just him and Peter, him held tightly against his older brothers chest.
The moment had hardly lasted a second though as Peter had dragged him to his feet almost straight away, yelling at him to get out.
The voice snapped him out of his thoughts and he stared back up at his brother. "What?" He whispered.
"You know, a simple thank you would be nice." Peter huffed.
Edmund scowled. "Fine." He muttered. "Thank you for saving my life, I'll be sure to return the favour one day."
Peter rolled his eyes at the mock tone in Edmund's voice, sighing angrily. "You know what, just forget it." He spat. "Next time maybe I won't bother."
He knew that wasn't true though, even Edmund did.
Both boys sat there staring at each other for a long while before Peter finaly spoke. "You should get back to sleep." He muttered, alot less anger in his voice now.
Edmund only nodded and curled into a ball, pulling the blanket and picture close to his chest.
"Ed is it really a good idea to sleep with that?" Peter questioned, unable to keep back his protective older brother instincts.
Edmund scowled at him, telling him silently that he'd keep it in his hands no matter what Peter said.
Peter groaned in annoyance at the look of his brothers face. "Fine." He said as he shuffled over and lay back down. "But don't come crying to me if you cut yourself again."
He closed his eyes after that, sighing as he shivered. There was no blanket for him, well, there was, he and Edmund were supposed to share one... but that never happened and Peter always let Edmund have it, no matter what their mother said.
He opened his eyes slowly though where there was a dull thud beside him, and saw that Edmund had actually let the picture go and put it out of the way so he wouldn't hurt himself.
Peter smiled slightly up at him, a look of amusement on his face.
Edmund scowled at him. "Shut up." He choked, before lying down and burying himself under the blankets.
Peter waited for a whole hour before he was absolutely sure Edmund was asleep, before he shuffled across the shelter once more.
Being extremely careful not to wake Edmund, he wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him to his chest.
Edmund - being asleep - cuddled against the warmth of his brother, letting out a sigh in his sleep and burying his face against Peter's chest.
Peter couldn't help the smile that made It's way onto his face at this, knowing that Edmund would never do this if he were awake. So he'd just have to make the most of it while he wasn't.
Tightening his grip around his brother he pulled the blanket over them both, placing a light kiss to his forehead before he too drifted off to sleep.


The next morning, Peter was luckily the first to wake, and seeing that he was still cuddled against his brother he quickly unwrapped Edmund's arm from his waist.
Being as quiet and careful as he could he slowly sat up, scooting away from Edmund and placing the blanket back over him, leaning instead against the metal wall and waiting for everyone else to wake.
"We'll get the real you back someday Ed." He whispered as he stared at his sleeping brother, smiling slightly to himself. "I know we will. Someday... someday soon."

I've always wanted to write a fanfic on what might've happened that night... so here it is... what do ya think? 😂😂🥰🥰

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