Random prompts part 8

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Random prompts and random characters/duos too :)


1: Piano - Peter + Edmund

Edmund stopped dead as he walked in the front door, glancing up as the sound of a piano reached his ears. 

After a moment or two he smiled, quietly closing the door and slipping off his coat.

Tiptoeing through the hallway, Edmund stopped in the doorway of the living room, his smile getting a little wider when he saw Peter sat at the piano, playing what had to be one of the most beautiful pieces Edmund had ever heard. 

He decided not to reveal himself, after all Peter hardly ever played in front of anyone, except perhaps at Christmas, but other than that he never really played unless he was alone, which he clearly thought he was now. 

Edmund was guessing his Mum and Susan and Lucy had gone out somewhere, otherwise he doubted Peter would be playing. 

With a warm, quiet sigh Edmund rested his head against the door-frame, and just stood there listening for a while, before deciding to let his brother know he was there. "You know," He said. "You should really try playing in front of other people."

Peter jumped at Edmund's voice, and played a series of very wrong notes as he turned around. "For goodness sake Ed." He grumbled, spotting his brother walking in. "Why'd you make me jump like that?" 

Edmund chuckled, walking over to stand beside him. "You're good." He commented. 

Peter rolled his eyes. "How long have you been stood there?" He asked, closing the piano. 

Edmund shrugged, "Five minutes." He said with a small frown. "Not too long don't worry." 

Peter nodded slowly. "Right." He muttered. 

"Mum and the girls out then?" Edmund asked with a knowing smirk. 

Peter glared at him. "Yes, they are." He said.

Edmund smiled. "You shouldn't hide your talent Pete." He said. "Mum would love to hear you play more often, it reminds her of Dad when you do." And with that, he wandered off into the kitchen to make himself a hot cup of tea.

2: Hunger - Lucy

Lucy smiled a little as she headed down the corridor of Cair, a candle in her hand and her dressing gown wrapped tightly around her.

She'd woken in the middle of the night for some odd reason and found herself weirdly hungry, which she found strange for she never got hungry in the night.

She'd tried to ignore it and go back to sleep, but eventually her hunger had gotten the better of her and she was now on her way down to the kitchens.

It wasn't a long walk, but long enough considering it was the dead of night, although Lucy didn't mind and was quite happy to say hello to any guard she passed on her way, and she even had a short conversation with Orious, who was on duty that night.

Eventually though she reached the kitchens, and was very happy when she found some scones. She managed to hunt down some Jam and cream, and of course she put the Jam on first, She wouldn't have it any other way, not after going on holiday in England once and figuring out that that was the best way to eat a scone with Jam and cream.

She sat on a nearby stool to eat, swinging her legs back and forth and staring at the candle, before she finally decided to head back up to bed, after all it was now really late - early? and she was getting very tired. 

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