We need you

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Peter + Edmund (Susan + Lucy)

Set in the few weeks (and then months) after Lww (Peter hasn't "Changed" yet)

Peter frowned slightly as he glanced up from his book, he thought he heard something, thought he heard... crying?

Realising eventually that the noise was coming from outside in the garden, he placed his book on the small table beside the sofa before standing and heading outside.

He blinked in the bright sunlight before glancing around, his face falling when he spotted Lucy, sat on the concrete beside the grass, staring down at her knees.

Walking over quickly, Peter was worried to see blood rolling slowly down her leg, coming from a rather large gash on her knee.

"Lu, what happened?" He asked quickly.

"I - I fell." Lucy sighed, sniffing slightly and wiping at her eyes.

Peter sighed sadly and knelt beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Why don't we get you inside and clean that up eh?" He asked, smiling gently.

Lucy smiled back up at him and nodded. "Thanks." She mumbled, eyes shining with unshed tears.

"Come on then." Peter said, helping her to her feet and walking her inside.

He led her into the kitchen where they found their Mum, making a cup of tea. "What happened?" She asked when she spotted Lucy.

"She tripped." Peter explained, helping Lucy to sit on one of the chairs.

"Oh dear." Their Mum sighed, before rushing to wet a cloth.

Before Peter knew it, his Mum was kneeling in front of Lucy, pressing the cloth to her knee, wiping the tears from her cheeks and smiling brightly up at her.

Peter just stood there, feeling... helpless.

That was his job, he was supposed to care for his siblings, he'd been doing it for 15 or so years, it was his job to protect them, but since returning from Narnia a month ago, and returning home a week ago, that seemed to of all changed.


Peter's eyes snapped open when a loud cry woke him.

He sat bolt upright in bed, now very much awake and stared across the room at his brother.

Edmund was laying in bed, asleep but obviously dreaming, thrashing against the blankets and crying out.

Rubbing at his eyes, Peter pulled back the blankets and rushed across the room, desperate to reach his brother and wake him up... before his dreams got any worse.

He'd only gotten half way across the room when the door burst open and the light was turned on.

The bang from the door caused Edmund to wake, sitting bolt upright and gasping loudly, glancing around the room and looking so scared it broke Peter's heart.

But the next thing he knew, his Mum and Dad (who was home on leave for a week or two) dashed into the room, immediately sitting on either side of the bed.

Their Dad wrapped his arms around Edmund's shoulders and pulled him close, whispering under his breath and hugging him tight.

Peter swallowed hard from where he stood at the end of the bed, blinking back his tears.

He was supposed to be comforting Edmund after a nightmare, he'd been doing it for years. It was his job, sometimes maybe Susan's, but mostly his... but not anymore it seemed.

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