Silver and Gold

835 22 16

Golden Age
Peter + Edmund (but you all probably guessed ahaha)


Peter's head snapped up, his eyes popping open to see Susan, sat across the table from him, her eyebrow raised and her arms crossed. "Sorry." He mumbled.

Susan frowned. "What's wrong with you?" She asked. "You almost ended up face down in your porridge!"

"Did you not sleep well last night?" Edmund asked from his seat beside his brother.

Peter rubbed at his eyes. "I didn't sleep at all." He muttered, yawning loudly.

"Why not?" Lucy asked, sounding shocked.

Peter hesitated before shrugging his shoulders. "I had stuff to do." He said.

"Stuff?" Susan questioned, her eyebrow still raised.

Peter sighed. "Yeah, work... you know." He answered, forcing back another yawn.

"No work could be so important that you stay up all night to get it done!" Susan said.

Peter took a deep breath and glanced at his brother, before looking back at Susan. "It's more important than you know." He said quietly, before standing.

"Where are you going?" Edmund asked, frowning up at him.

Peter stared at him for a while before sighing. "I've got something to do." He said.


"No Su-" Peter cut her off. "I said I have something to do... something to finish, and it's important." And with that he left the room, rubbing at his eyes as he went.

Susan frowned again. "What an earth could be so important?" She muttered.

Edmund sighed. "I've no idea." He said. "But it's not just last night that he didn't sleep."

Susan stared at him. "What?" She asked, sounding slightly shocked.

"Yeah." Edmund mumbled. "He hasn't been sleeping properly for almost a week."

"And I've noticed he's leaving the castle quite a bit too." Lucy stepped in, chewing on an apple and staring at Edmund.

"And he hasn't told either of you why?" Susan asked.

Edmund shook his head. "He just says it's something important and then changes the subject." He said slowly.

"Maybe it's nothing." Lucy suggested. "Maybe he has got a lot of work to do."

"I offered to help him with his "work"." Edmund said. "But he immediately said no, well he more froze for a moment before answering me, and he looked almost panicked for a moment."

Susan's frown got deeper. "There's definitely something going on." She sighed, leaning back in her chair.

"Well, whatever it is," Lucy said slowly. "We'll make sure we find out sooner or later."

Susan nodded. "Definitely." She sighed, before sitting up again. "But in the mean time, I'm going to check on the Birthday celebrations for tomorrow."

Edmund smirked a little. "How many times have you done that?" He asked.

Susan chuckled. "Well, it's your 16th birthday Ed." She said, standing and brushing down her dress. "It has to be perfect."

Lucy giggled slightly. "I'll come with you." She said.

"And I'll go and see if I can drag Peter out for a ride." Edmund decided. "And then try and persuade him to get a few hours sleep."

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