Safe and by my side (part 1)

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This Fanfiction is set after Edmund comes to Aslan's camp during LWW. Enjoy!
(Peter and Edmund)
- Peter's POV -

"Hello." Edmund mumbled, staring down at his feet.
Lucy let out a small laugh before running to Edmund and wrapping her arms around his waist. Edmund smiled before returning the hug.
He gently pulled away from Lucy when Susan went to join them. She wrapped her arms around Edmund, him doing the same.
"Are you alright?" Susan asked when she pulled away from Edmund.
"I'm a little tired." He replied. It was true, he looked exhausted.
"Get some sleep." I told him, signaling twords the tent. He glanced at me before heading twords the tent, staring down at his feet once again.
"And Edmund?" I said. He turned back round to face me.
"Try not to wander off." I told him with a smile. Edmund returned the smile before entering the tent.
I turned back to face the girls.
"He looks awful." Susan said sadly.
I sighed.
"We should stay with him." Lucy said, heading twords the tent. But Susan gently placed a hand on her shoulder. She then looked twords me, nodding her head twords the tent.
"I'll go." I told Lucy. "I'll come and get you when he wakes." I added as she cast me a sad/worried look.
"Promise?" She asked.
I chuckled lightly. "I promise." I said before turning and entering the tent.
I was relieved to find that Edmund was already fast asleep. I grabbed a blanket from my own hammock, carefully placing it over my brother. Then quietly sat down on the chair next to the hammock, placing a hand on Edmund's shoulder. He didn't stir at my touch. I sighed sadly.
I'd almost collapsed in relief when I found out that Edmund was alive. And had struggled to hold back the tears when Lucy and Susan had hugged him. I'd wanted to do the same as the girls but was afraid I'd break down into tears if I did.
I was startled out of my thoughts when Edmund started muttering in his sleep. I soon realised that he was having a nightmare. And I didn't have to be told what it was about, for Edmund's muttering soon got louder so that I could hear what he was saying.
"Shh." I said, trying to calm him down. "Ed, it's okay. You're just having a bad dream." This however, didn't seem to work.
"All my fault..." Edmund mumbled. "Don't hurt them... leave me alone..."
I soon decided that it was best to wake him up.
"Ed. Edmund wake up." I whispered, shaking him slightly. "Edmund!"
Edmund's eyes flew open. He glanced around the tent before his eyes finally settled on me.
"Peter?" He asked, so quietly I wasn't even sure if he had spoken.
"Shh, Ed. It's alright. I'm here." I said, lightly stroking the back of his head. "Bad dream?" I asked. Edmund nodded. "About the witch?" Another nod. I sighed.
"How you feeling?" I asked after a moments silence.
Edmund sighed. "Better than I was feeling last night." He near enough whispered.
"Oh Ed." I said as I pulled him into a tight hug. To my surprise, and delight, he returned the hug without any hesitation. "I'm sorry." I whispered.
I could tell Edmund was frowning. He pulled away from me. "Why are you sorry?" He asked. "You haven't done anything."
"I was too hard on you Ed. And I've a feeling that's part of the reason why you went to the witch in the first place." I said.
"Peter." Edmund said. "I went to the witch myself. You've got nothing to be sorry for. I should be apologising, not you." He looked up at me. "And I am sorry, you know."
"I know Ed. I know." I said.
I glanced at the bruises on his
cheek. "That looks sore." I said.
Edmund nodded. "It is." He replied.
I sighed. "I'm gonna go and find some water." I told him. "That cut by your eye and the one on your lip probably need cleaning." I went to stand but Edmund grabbed hold of my wrist.
"I'm just going outside the tent Ed." I reassured him. "I'll be back in a second."
Edmund hesitantly nodded before letting go of my wrist. I smiled at him before leaving the tent.
I soon returned holding a bowl of water and a cloth. I smiled as I sat back down next to Edmund. Who looked somewhat glad, more relieved, to see me.
"Told you I'd only be a second." I said. Edmund half smiled.
I then dipped the cloth in the water and brought it to his face. I hesitated before pressing the damp
cloth to the cut by his eye. He winced slightly at the sudden flare of pain that was evident on his face.
"Sorry." I said.
Edmund nodded. "It's okay." He replied, as I continued to clean the cut.
When I'd finished with that I carefully pressed the cloth to his lip. He again winced. I sighed sadly. After I'd finished with both the cut and the split lip I placed the cloth back into the bowl. As I looked back up to Edmund I realised he was giving me a confused sorta look.
"What is it?" I asked him.
Edmund hesitated before finally saying. "I was just wondering why your doing this. After everything I did."
"Edmund." I said. "Aslan said what's done is done. He's forgiven you Ed. And so have the girls. And I have too."
Edmund smiled before resting his head on my chest. I grabbed his hand and placed my other hand on his wrist. I started as Edmund quickly pulled his hand away from mine, wincing slightly as he did so.
I glanced at Edmund, slightly confused as well as concerned. Then I carefully pulled up his jumper sleeve slightly. Edmund tried to stop me but he was too late.
I thought I was going to be sick as I stared down at the rope burns around my brothers wrist.
"Oh Ed." I whispered. I was by now struggling to hold back the tears. I sighed again before reaching for the cloth. I wrung it and pressed it gently against the wrist. He again hissed in pain. I hesitated slightly before carrying on.
"Ed, what happened?" I said, when I gently began to clean his other wrist. Of course I didn't expect him to answer. I knew he wouldn't. And I was right. Instead he just buried his face against my shoulder and started to cry.
I put the cloth back in the bowl, now finished with it and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. "Shh." I whispered into his ear. "It's alright." I continued as I kissed the top of his head multiple times.
After ten minutes Edmund finally stopped crying. He pulled away to look at me. I grabbed hold of his hand, avoiding his wrists.
"Is that better?" I asked gently.
"A little, yeah." Edmund replied. "Thanks."
I smiled at him. "Did... did she..." I began, the smile disappearing. There was silence for a few seconds.
"Tie me up?" Edmund finally finished before nodding slowly. "Yeah." He whispered. "It was after we had to abandon the sliegh and walk."
I nodded slowly, now extremely close to tears. And as Edmund stared up at me, brown eyes also full of tears, I at last let a single tear fall down my cheek. I didn't care, Edmund was safe and by my side.
Edmund wrapped his arms around my waist, me doing the same. But It didn't take me long to realize that Edmund was falling asleep in my arms.
"Come on." I said. "You need to sleep." I helped him lie down and he was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.
I smiled slightly as a few more tears fell down my cheek. Edmund was safe and by my side. And really, what more could I ask for.

The end
Hope you liked it! Xox

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Peter and Edmund || Safe place to land
Made by me ♡

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