The last thing

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- Susan + Edmund
- (Before/during/after LB)
- This fanfic is based on the song at the top (More the chorus)
- Important: I'm extremely rusty on my LB knowledge, so please dont come at me if I've got stuff wrong 😂🤦‍♀️

"Su?" Edmund said gently as he knocked on the door to his sisters room.

"Yeah?" Came the reply from the other side of the door.

Edmund sighed a little as he pushed open the door, stepping inside and closing it behind him.

"You leaving?" Susan asked, turning around from where she'd been doing her makeup.

"Yeah." Edmund breathed. "I just thought I'd come and say goodbye."

Susan smiled gently. "Alright then." She said. "Have fun."

Edmund watched her as she turned back to the mirror, reaching for some eyeshadow. "Su?" He asked after a moment.

Susan turned back around, a slight frown on her face. "Yes?" She asked.

Edmund hesitated slightly. "Why don't you come?" He said slowly. He knew she'd already said no, but it was worth another try.

"Ed-" Susan sighed, shaking her head slightly.

"Come on." Edmund said quickly. "Everyone will be there, Eustace, Jill, even Polly and the professor."

"Ed I've already said I don't wanna go." Susan said with a sigh, turning sharply back to the mirror.

Edmund bit his lip. "We'll have another adventure if our plan works Su." He said quietly. "We can prove to you that Narnia does exist, and that it wasn't just a game we used to play when we were younger."

Susan's frown got deeper. "Ed, dont you think you're a little too old for all these games?" She asked, not turning to face her brother as she said this, but Edmund could see the expression on her face in her reflection. "And Peter too, and even perhaps Lucy... not to even mention the professor and Polly."

Edmund frowned a little. "They aren't games Su." He choked. "How many times are we gonna have to tell you that for you to believe us?"

"Ed seriously." Susan said. "Maybe you should just grow up a little? It's completely impossible for a magical land to be at the back of a wardrobe."

Edmund forced back the anger he was all of a sudden feeling. "How can you say that Susan!?" He said. "You went there! You were a Queen, you ruled for nearly fifteen years! And then went back again, and fell in love, incase you'd forgotten."

Susan took a deep breath and finaly turned back to face Edmund. "Ed it was fun when we were playing." She said. "But this is just taking it a little too far don't you think? We've all grown up, heck you're 19! We're too old for those games."

"They weren't games Susan!" Edmund said, raising his voice slightly. "How many times do we have to tell you!"

Susan rolled her eyes. "Ed that's enough." She said.

"I can prove it!" Edmund said suddenly, an idea passing through his mind.

Susan raised an eyebrow. "And how can you do that?" She asked, placing a hand on her hip.

"We all have scars from our time in Narnia." Edmund explained. "Even you do! You know, that one on your shoulder, from where one of the witches wolves managed to scratch you, about a year into our reign!"

Susan took a deep breath. "Don't be silly Ed." She said, shaking her head. "I got that scar from - from when I tripped a few years ago and hit my shoulder on the edge of the fire place, remember? Not from a wolf."

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