We will go back

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Peter, Edmund + Lucy
I totally based this one shot off an Edmund headcanon I saw on Instagram 😂😬😂🙈
Just after LWW

Peter frowned slightly as he woke, for a moment wondering where he was, before it all came back to him.
A week ago they'd all stumbled back through the wardrobe into England, and they were now at the professors.
Rubbing his eyes he sighed a little, not at all surprised that he'd woken in the middle of the night, it had sort of become a habit ever since they'd returned, though he didn't know why.
Yawning and rolling over he was more than a little worried to find the bed across from him empty, Edmund no where to be seen.
Frowning a little he sat up in bed, grabbing a candle and throwing his dressing gown on.
Being as quiet as he could he crept out the room and down the corridor towards Susan and Lucy's room, thinking that Edmund might be there.
Ever since they'd returned a week ago, Edmund had a habit of disappearing into the girls room late at night, comforting Lucy when she was upset.
Peter and Susan usually found them both asleep in the bed the next morning, curled up in each others arms.
Reaching the bedroom door he popped his head inside, glancing over to the bed that his sisters shared.
To his confusion he saw Susan - fast asleep under the covers - But no Lucy.
Feeling slightly concerned by this he left the room, closing the door quietly behind him before heading down the corridor again.
He was about to walk back into his own room when he had an idea.
He walked for about five minutes, being as quiet as he could, before he reached the wardrobe room.
He swallowed hard and took a deep breath before opening the door, freezing when it creaked rather loudly.
After a few seconds he stepped into the room, closing the door as quietly as he could behind him before turning to face the wardrobe.
He sighed a little when he saw that the door was wide open, and hesitating just slightly he walked up.
Pushing back the coats slightly so he could see, he found both Lucy and Edmund, sat at the back of the wardrobe leaning against the wood.
They were both fast asleep, Lucy cuddled up in Edmund's arms and Edmund's face buried against her hair.
Peter couldn't help but smile slightly as he stared at his sleeping siblings, knowing instantly why they were at the back of the wardrobe, and his heart breaking.
Sighing slightly again he placed the candle on the floor gently and stepped inside the wardrobe, taking a few steps before kneeling in front of his siblings.
Hesitating quite a bit he slowly reached forward and placed a hand on Edmund's shoulder, giving him a soft nudge. "Ed?" He whispered.
Edmund frowned in his sleep, his head falling backwards against the wooden back of the wardrobe.
"Edmund?" Peter tried again, this time succeeding.
Edmund's eyes flickered open slowly and he stared at Peter in confusion for a while before sighing.
"What you doing in here?" Peter whispered, trying his hardest not to wake Lucy.
Edmund rubbed at his eyes with one hand, taking a deep breath. "Lucy wanted to check." He whispered, still sounding half asleep.
Peter sighed and looked down at his little sister. "She really misses it, doesn't she?" He murmered.
Edmund swallowed hard. "We all do." He mumbled, looking down slightly.
Peter bit his lip gently. "We'll go back someday." He said quietly.
Edmund nodded. "We have to." He choked.
Peter stared at them for a while. "Come on." He whispered. "You two need to get back into bed."
Edmund nodded. "What about Lucy?" He asked.
"I'll carry her." Peter replied. "Don't worry."
Edmund nodded and gently pushed Lucy over to Peter, freezing for a moment when Lucy let out a groan.
Peter lifted her into his arms as he stood and stepped out of the wardrobe, Lucy luckily not waking and just burying her face against his chest.
Edmund stepped out a second later, rubbing at his eyes and quite clearly fighting off sleep.
"Come on." Peter whispered, heading towards the door.
Edmund picked up the candle from the floor and followed after his brother, frowning a little when they walked straight past Susan and Lucy's room.
"Pete?" He whispered. "What are you doing?"
"Come on Ed." Peter murmered in reply, a soft smile on his face. "We both know you'd rather have Lucy in your bed with you."
Edmund glanced at his little sister before nodding. "You're right." He sighed. "I hate seeing her like this. She's always so upset."
"But you make her happy Ed." Peter replied. "You're the only one that can make her laugh when she's feeling down, or cheer her up by telling her all the old Narnian stories." He paused. "Or singing her those lulluabys from Narnia."
Edmund blushed. "You heard that?" He questioned, thinking about the other night when he'd sung Lucy to sleep.
Peter smiled kindly. "Me and Susan both heard it." He said. "She said she was awake, and I was standing outside the door."
Edmund took a deep breath and nodded a little. "Well, she enjoys the lulluabys." He said with a shrug. "I doubt it has much to do with my actual singing."
"You're a good singer Ed." Peter said, smiling as Edmund blushed again. "She liked both."
Edmund couldn't help but smile slightly as they reached their room.
Once inside Peter told Edmund to climb into bed, before he lay Lucy down beside him, where she immediately rolled onto her side and curled up beside Edmund.
Edmund smiled lightly as he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close and placing a kiss to the top of her head.
"Night Ed." Peted whispered, leaning down and giving both his siblings a quick kiss on the forehead.
"Night Peter." Edmund replied in a whisper, watching as Peter returned to his own bed.
Relaxing slightly Edmund buried his face against Lucy's hair, his eyes slowly slipping shut.
"We will go back one day Lucy." He mumbled to his still sleeping sister, holding back his tears. "I know we will."

Hope you enjoyed this!!! 🙈🥺🥰

Headcanon from - narniandreams - on instagram 🥰

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