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Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy and Caspian.
(Prince Caspian)
I've wanted to write a fanfiction about this for AGES and finaly have. Lol.
(Thanks to ineffable_narnia for inspiring me 😂)

"I know." Edmund said firmly as he stared at his brother. "You had it sorted."
Peter watched as Edmund slowly walked away, leaving the room. Turning to Caspian he bit his lip gently before spotting Susan out of the corner of his eye. She had a look of disappointment on her face and Peter could almost hear he saying 'well that was nicely handled'
With a sigh Susan turned and left the room, going off in search of her younger brother.
She searched the whole of the How before walking outside, finaly spotting her brother sat on the grass, leaning against a boulder.
Hesitantly she walked over and sat beside him, looking at nothing but his face. "Ed?" She asked.
Edmund did nothing, he just stared at the woods, an unreadable look on his face.
Susan sighed. "Edmund." She said, a little more firmly this time.
"Why did he do that?" Edmund whispered eventually.
Susan bit her lip. "I don't know Ed." She sighed.
"He - He was just staring at her." Edmund said quietly. "How could he even think about bringing her back. After everything she did to Narnia? After everything she did to me!" He added, raising his voice.
"Edmund don't shout." Susan sighed.
Edmund sighed too, looking down at the ground as he ripped up a bit of grass, tearing it into shreds as Susan continued talking.
"If you want an answer go and talk to him." She said. "And Caspian too."
Edmund sighed, shaking his head.
"Edmund you need to talk to Peter at least." Susan said sadly.
Edmund bit his lip, not saying anything.
"Please." Susan whispered.
Edmund slowly looked up at her after hearing the sadness in her voice. "Alright." He mumbled, nodding slowly.
Susan gave him a weak smile. "See you in a minute." She said.
Edmund nodded before he got up and entered the How again, walking towards the stone table room.
He stopped outside though, a frown making its way onto his face. He heard shouting, coming from his brother.
Peering into the room - But not enough so that Peter and Caspian would be able to see him - he stood and listened.
"How could you do that!" Peter all but screamed at Caspian.
"I didn't mean to!" Caspian replied, his eyes going wide. "I didn't know that they planned on bringing the white witch back from the dead!"
"But when you did you just stood there!" Peter shouted.
"You stood there too!" Caspian argued back. "You lowered your sword! It's a good thing Edmund got rid of her when he did!"
"You don't know anything!" Peter shouted, getting angry. "You don't know what happened to him because of the witch! Him getting rid of her earlier was probably one of the bravest things anyone could ever do!"
Edmund swallowed hard as he listened, taking a deep breath.
"What do you mean?" Caspian asked, lowering his voice considerably.
Peter nearly laughed. "Edmund was tortured by the witch!" Peter shouted. "Threatened by her! Stabbed by her!"
Edmund watched as Caspian's eyes went wide. "What?" He whispered.
Peter took a deep breath. "The first time we came to Narnia he was captured by her!" There was a few moments silence before Peter slowly started to calm down, a look of realisation making its way onto his face. "And - And we nearly brought her back." He said quickly.
Caspian stared at him for a moment. "Peter, how was Edmund captured by her?" He asked.
But Peter ignored him. "I need to talk to him." He said almost desperately.
Edmund sighed, taking a deep breath before stepping into the room. "I'm here." He mumbled.
Both Peter and Caspian looked up at him, equal looks of shock on their faces.
"Ed." Peter whispered. "I'm so sorry."
Edmund sighed. "It's alright Peter." He said, swallowing hard as he tried to force back the tears, he wouldn't cry. He couldn't, not with Caspian there. "I understand how persuasive she can be, trust me I do." He added.
Peter nodded slowly. "I know." He said quietly.
"But there's no need to argue." Edmund said, glancing from Caspian to Peter.
Peter nodded. "I know." He sighed. "I just got mad, after what happened to you with Jadis, and then I got mad at myself really. I didn't mean to lower my sword - she had like this sort of spell on me." Peter looked down, a small frown across his face.
Edmund nodded. "I understand Peter." He said. "Better than anyone."
"Okay." Caspian said suddenly, catching the two brothers attention. "What's going on? What do you mean by 'better than anyone'?"
Edmund swallowed hard. "H - How much do you know about our first time in Narnia Caspian?" He asked slowly.
"Not much." Caspian mumbled, clearly thinking. "Only that you traveled to Aslan's camp and defeated the white witch."
Edmund nodded, taking a deep breath.
Peter bit his lip. "Ed are you sure?" He asked in a whisper.
Edmund hesitated before saying: "He has to know. Especially now."
Peter sighed but nodded in the end, walking over and standing by his brother, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"On my first trip to Narnia I came across the white witch." Edmund began, looking up at Caspian. "She offered me food and drink and got me to sit with her. She said that if I brought my family to her, then she'd give me all the Turkish delight (which was the food I asked for) I wanted and she'd make me prince and later on King of Narnia, and stupidly, I agreed." Edmund sighed, a guilty look appearing on his face.
Peter squeezed his shoulder a little. "The food was enchanted." He said firmly.
Caspian nodded, listening closely as Edmund continued talking.
"When the four of us got into Narnia we met two beavers. We went back to their house for dinner, but I must've got bored so I went to the witches castle alone." Edmund sighed. "Grave mistake." He mumbled, shaking his head. "She shouted at me, and I told her where my siblings were. She then locked me down in her dungoens, shackles around my ankles. After maybe half an hour to an hour she came down saying that my family had escaped. I was glad of this to be honest, but she kept asking me where they had gone, by this point she already knew about Aslan, but she still tried to get more out of me." He added slowly on the end.
Caspian swallowed hard. "Not - Not torture?" He asked.
Edmund nodded with a sigh. "She tortured me for information, information that I never told her." Edmund choked, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment as the memories flashed before his eyes. After feeling Peter's grip on his shoulder tighten reassuringly he sighed and continued. "We left in search of my family the next day, and I won't go into detail because to be honest, even Peter doesn't know everything."
Peter bit his lip gently, staring at his brother.
"Let's just say that journey brought alot of cold and pain." Edmund mumbled. "Jadis set up camp in the middle of a dark wood, I was tied to a tree and gagged, Jadis and her dwarf always coming up to me to-" Edmund sighed. "Torture me a bit more."
Caspian just stared at him, his eyes slightly wide and his mouth open in a look of horror.
"I was rescued soon afterwards, but Jadis still tried to get me back, but Aslan saved me." Edmund said hastily.
Peter sighed, knowing Edmund had skipped out the stone table, but understanding why he had.
"Beruna was the worst though." Edmund all but whispered. "I saw Jadis heading for Peter so I faced her, and managed to smash her wand." Edmund took a deep breath, swallowing hard as he forced the next words out of his mouth. "So she stabbed me."
Caspian's eyes went as wide as they could go as he stared at Edmund with a look of horror on his face. "What?" He whispered.
"I only survived because of Lucy's cordial." Edmund mumbled, looking up at Peter and not being at all surprised to see tears in his eyes. Edmund sniffed. "So now you know." He said.
"Edmund I-" Caspian went to say.
But he was cut off when Edmund wiped his eyes before muttering. "I have to be alone for a moment." And then he left, leaving just Peter and Caspian.
"Peter." Caspian said. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know Edmund had been through all of that because of her."
Peter took a deep breath. "It's alright." He sighed. "How could you of known?"
Caspian nodded slowly, giving Peter a almost grateful look.
"I'll give him a while." Peter said. "But then I'm going after him."

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