Random prompts

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Okay, so when I was with Lucy and Amy we did this thing where we'd pick a random prompt and have 15 minutes to write a one shot based on the prompt. I thought I'd publish them whilst I work on my June prompt :)

Warning: These are unedited and written in a limited amount of time so they're rather bad but oh well aha

1: Father

Edmund sighed a little as he sat down on the edge of his bed, in his room he shared with Peter.

It was the day after his father had left to fight in the war, and to say he missed him already would be a huge understatement.

He sat there for a long while, listening to Lucy, Susan and their Mum outside in the garden, before the bedroom door opened and Peter walked in.

"I wondered where you'd got to." He said with a small smile. "You wanna come outside? It's pretty good weather?"

Edmund stared at him for a moment before slowly shaking his head. "I'm alright." He said quietly, lowering his gaze to the floor.

Peter stood there for a second or two before he sighed and joined Edmund on the bed. "You alright?" He asked gently.

Edmund swallowed hard, knowing Peter had guessed why he was in the mood he was. "I'm - I'm okay I guess."

"Dad's gonna be fine Eddy." Peter said calmly, placing a hand on Edmund's shoulder. "He promised he'd come back, so he will."

"But it might not be a promise he can keep." Edmund whispered.

"I'm sure he will keep this promise Ed." Peter reassures him. "He has something to fight for, something to come home to, he will fight Ed, and he will come home."

Edmund stared at him for a short moment before swallowing hard. "He was supposed to take me down the park for a game of football tomorrow." He said quietly. "We've had it planned for ages, would-" He paused, hesitating before sighing a little. "Would you take me instead?"

Peter was a little shocked but nodded his head anyway. "Of course I will." He said with a gentle smile.

Edmund smiled back slightly. "Thanks." He murmered. "Do - do you miss him too?" He asked after a while.

Peter sighed. "Of course I do." He said. "But Dad wouldn't want us to be miserable all the time would he? And at least he was able to be here for your birthday."

"He left the day after." Edmund sighed. "But yeah I guess you're right."

"Come on, I'll take you down the park tomorrow and we'll have some fun, take your mind off of it all."

"Thanks." Edmund whispered in reply.

Peter smiled.

"I just really miss him."

Peter sighed sadly and pulled Edmund in close for a hug, placing a kiss to the top of his head. "And I'm sure he misses you too." He murmered. "Which is why he's going to fight to stay alive, because, Edmund, he has something to fight for."

Edmund smiled and nodded, wrapping his arms around his older brother. "Yeah." He breathed softly.

"Now come on." Peter said, tapping him on the back gently. "Let's go and make lunch, help Mum out a bit."

"Does Mum miss Dad?" Edmund asked slowly as they headed down the stairs.

"Of course she does." Peter replied. "We all do, but he'll be home before you know it, he wont be gone long."

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