You'll pay for this!

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Okay, in my fanfiction 'A Narnian Christmas' Susan forces Peter to dance and then Peter gets Edmund to dance with Susan too, he shouts to Peter 'You'll pay for this!'
Well, this is a fanfiction about what happened. 😂
(Edmund's POV)
I walked through the castle, trying to find Lucy. I opened the door to her bedroom to find her sat in front of her mirror, tying her hair up in a ponytail. At hearing the door open she glanced twords me. She smiled. "Hey Ed." She said.
"Hey." I smiled, sitting down on her bed.
"What's up?" She asked, finishing off her hair and sitting beside me.
"Well," I began. "On Christmas day, you know when Susan forced Peter to dance and then he got me to dance?"
Lucy laughed. "Yep. And you shouted 'You'll pay for this!'"
I smiled at Lucy. She then seemed to catch on on what I meant. "No!" She said grinning.
"Yep!" I said. "I meant what I said."
"Peter's gonna kill you." Lucy said.
"No he won't." I said simply. "He'll just be a bit mad. And absolutely soaked."
Lucy's eyes went wide as I told her what I was planning to do.
"Just don't let Susan find out." I said after I'd explained. "She'll never let us do it."
Lucy once again grinned. "And when are you going to do it?" She asked me.
"After Lunch." I told her. "This is gonna be so much fun!"
As we all sat around the table eating lunch, I couldn't help smiling and occasionally laughing. Both Peter and Susan stared at me with identical frowns on their faces as Lucy tried her best not to start laughing out loud.
"Ed, what's so funny?" Peter asked folding his arms.
"Nothing." I said quickly continuing to eat. Peter glanced at Susan who just shrugged her shoulders.
"Lucy, can you come and help me with something a moment?" I asked after me and her had finished our lunch. Peter and Susan were still eating which gave us enough time to set up my prank.
"Sure." Lucy said, standing.
"We'll be back in a moment." I told my older siblings before heading to mine and Peter's room with Lucy following behind.
"Right." I said. "Lucy, go and fill this bucket with water." Lucy nodded before grabbing the bucket and rushing out of the room. I then grabbed some string out of the draw in the bedside table. Lucy came rushing back with a bucket full of water.
"Here you go." She said.
"Great." I said taking the bucket from her.
"What's the string for?" She asked me.
"Just to make sure the bucket doesn't fall." I replied, tying it around the handle. "Could you grab me that chair over there?"
"Sure." Lucy ran across the room, grabbed the chair and placed it by the door. I climbed up onto the chair, being careful not to spill any of the water from the bucket.
"Right. Now you need to go and find Peter." I told Lucy. "And tell him to come here." Lucy nodded. "I'll place the bucket half on the  door and half on that ledge above the door."
"And then when Peter opens the door the bucket will fall on him, along with all the water."
Lucy laughed. "You do realise that you'll have to clean up all the water afterwards." She told me with a slight shake of her head.
"Oh well. It'll be worth it." I said. "Now go." Lucy quickly rushed out of the room, closing the door behind her.
(Lucy's POV)
I ran back down to the dining room where Peter was just finishing off his lunch.
"Where's Susan?" I asked.
"She went off to do something." Peter replied. "I'm not exactly sure what."
I nodded. "Right. Anyway. Edmund needs your help with something." I told him.
"With what?" Peter asked.
"Not sure exactly." I replied quickly.
"I'm coming." He said as he followed me out of the dining room and up to the boys bedroom. I stopped just outside the door.
"He's in there." I said, loud enough so that Edmund would be able to here me. Peter frowned before reaching for the door handle. I held my breath as I tried to stop myself from laughing. And then, Peter opend the door. And as soon as he did the bucket of water fell onto his head, soaking him from head to foot.
(Peter's POV)
I stood there, absolutely soaked with a bucket on my head. I slowly removed the bucket and ran a hand through my wet hair. I glanced around the room but could see no one. But then there was a small chuckle coming from behind the now open door. That laugh sounded extremely familiar. I slowly and quietly entered the room. I then shut the door as quickly as I could to reveal Edmund stood against the wall, his hand over his mouth, trying to stop himself from laughing. He burst into laughter as he saw me stood in front of him.
"Why you little..." I began, but didn't have time to finish before Edmund darted out of the room.
"Hey!" I called after him."Come back!" I said before I ran after him, leaving Lucy staring after us.
I chased him through the castle and outside into a nearby field. It was then that I caught up with him. I threw my arms around his waist and we both fell to the ground. I then started to tickle him, something I knew he hated.
"Stop it!" He cried, breathless from the amount of laughing.
"You're getting me wet!"
"Well you got me absolutely soaked!" I told him with a grin.
After a few more minutes I finally stopped tickling him and sat back on the grass. Edmund caught his breath before lying back on the grass.
"And why, may I ask, did you decide to soak me?" I asked.
"On Christmas day you forced me to dance with Susan." Edmund replied. "I meant what I said when I said 'You'll pay for this' you know."
I shook my head. "You cheeky little..."
"Peter Pevensie!" Came a voice from behind me. Edmund sat bolt upright as I turned to see Susan stood there, here arms folded and a cross look on her face. "Why the heck are you so wet?!" She asked.
I glanced at Edmund before we both burst out laughing.

Gosh, I had such fun writing this! 😂

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