I only do it to keep you safe

695 24 14

June Prompt: Horse/Horses

Edmund glanced up from his book when he saw Peter enter the sitting room, rubbing at his eyes and removing his cloak, throwing it over the back of a chair before sitting on the sofa next to Edmund with a sigh.

Edmund raised an eyebrow and smirked at him. "Where've you been?" He asked. "You've been gone for a while."

Peter glanced at him and sighed again, but there was a small smile on his face. "I went for a ride with Susan." He answered.

"You went for a ride without me?!" Edmund gasped in mock horror.

Peter shook his head and punched Edmund's shoulder playfully. "Yes we did." He laughed. "But anyway, we found another horse, she was lost and scared... terrified actually. We managed to bring her back to Cair, but she's scared of everything and everyone at the moment."

"Is she a talking horse?" Edmund asked, placing his book aside and sitting up straight. 

"We don't think so." Peter said with a shake of his head and a sigh.

"Perhaps I could go and see if I could calm her down?" Edmund questioned.

Peter hesitated slightly. "I don't want her to hurt you." He said quietly. "She almost kicked one of the fauns when we brought her back, I dread to think what would happen if she actually did kick you." 

"I'll be careful, I promise." Edmund said. "Plus, we need to calm her down and let her know that no ones gonna hurt her, otherwise she could get really scared Peter."

"But why do you have to do it?" Peter asked.

Edmund shrugged. "You said yourself I'm good with horses." He said with a quiet chuckle.

Peter sighed "Why did I ever say that?" he muttered, before nodding his head. "Alright, you can try and calm her, but please be careful."

Edmund nodded. "Of course I'll be careful." He said. "I always am."

Peter nearly snorted. "You, careful?" He asked in shock.

Edmund glared playfully at him before heading from the room. 

"Hang on Ed!" Peter called suddenly, jumping up and running after him. "I'll come with you."

Edmund rolled his eyes, but he was smiling... if only slightly. "You worry too much." He muttered under his breath, but he knew Peter had probably heard him anyway.

The two headed quickly down to the stables, where Edmund saw a dark brown horse stood in the corner. Orious and Tumnus stood to the side.

"Any luck?" Peter asked quietly as he and Edmund joined them.

Tumnus shook his head. "The poor thing's still terrified." He replied sadly.

Edmund nodded slowly before taking a deep breath. "I'll see if I can calm her down." He said, removing his crown and handing it to Peter.

"Be careful Ed for goodness sake." His brother muttered, causing Edmund to roll his eyes.

He wandered slowly over to the horse, stopping a few steps away and sighing when it backed further into the corner. "Hey," Edmund said quickly. "There's no need to be afraid. No one's gonna hurt you, I promise."

The horse stayed still, did nothing, didn't even look like it understood Edmund, which easily told Edmund that it certainly wasn't a talking horse. "You're safe here okay?" He said, slowly raising his arms and holding them out towards the horse. "I won't hurt you."

"Ed." Peter murmered, realising the horse was looking quite uneasy.

"It's alright." Edmund said gently, ignoring his brother completely.

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