Chapter Twenty Six.

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Time. How I wished I could wield everything at that exact moment and make them bend my way. The cops were screaming outside, Will and Becky frantic as I struggled to shut it all out but of course that was unobtainable..

I bolted the bathroom door in a rush as they looked at me with their flushing cheeks.

" What are you doing? Aren't you implicating yourself more."

I glanced at Becky for a moment deciding to ignore her going under the sink to try and disassemble the drainage system.

"She's right Ella, at this point we can only tell the detectives what we know and leave it all to them to figure this all out."

I was too busy to listen to them, my hands working fast as I unscrewed the pipes with my bare hands.

"Ella," Becky persisted in a rather tense voice.

" The door is wide open Becky you can go if you want, while you're at it tell them they can find me right here!"

Becky sighed softly before her palms met her face as I continued my handy work.

You leave us no choice, we're coming in!

Those words caught me in oblivion as Will's hands pulled me from under the sink.

"'We have no time," he muttered under his breath.

" What about the evidence that could be down there?" I protested, my hands in mid air.

He doubled back before driving his foot into the pipes. His barbaric ways and my handy work leading to a spillage. I picked out the pieces of debris Becky covering her nose and mouth. It glistened the moment I put it up, traces of blood slightly visible on it's inner side. I threw the silver ring into a plastic bag holding my breath.

" I think I know who did it!"Will and Becky looking at me in utter shock with questioning eyes and worried faces.

The door was kicked open in a flash my eyes meeting the police officer who held a gun between his hands.

" Hands where I can see them!" He looked through to each one of us as we slowly heeded his command.

" Officer we were just looking for new evidence,"spoke Will.

" Yeah right, you kids are in a lot of trouble. Dispatch, second floor first .." I shoved my forearm into his face before he could finish conveying his message to his colleagues.

" Damn you're a hard hitter," teased Will as we dragged the cop's body before bundling it in a closet. I blushed for a second before reason reasserted itself.

" I have to get out of here," I told them running my fingers through my hair.

" Okay, how about we start a fire," Will fished his lighter from his pocket the erring flame coming to view.

" Fire? You want to kill us?" Panicked Becky.

"No, he wants to set off the fire alarm, the water sprinklers kick in making it rain which would make it even more difficult to catch me in these slippery conditions."

I had opened the taps and left them running hoping that Will's plan would work, as it soon began to rain

The gushing water turned the wooden floor to an ice rink, everyone holding on  for dear life. We got out from the bathroom, only one thing was on my mind, to get out of that place, alive.

" Ella Rae stop!" Agent Ross came into view brandishing his ammo at me.

" Catch!" I threw a flower vase at him. distracting him momentarily before making a run for it.

"Ella!" We bursted out of the place lucky enough not to fall due to the wet conditions. The ran down the stairs coupled with the falling cops paving way for a close call.

" It's never a good idea to run from the law." Agent Ross's assistant and some fringe looking cops stopped us dead in our tracks.

" Go Ella , get out of here!" Will and Becky stood between me and the police as I second guessed this wild wild idea.

" If you leave Ella you'll be putting your friends in danger for aiding and abetting a fugitive of the law."

I glanced at my two besties almost in tears, the nod was enough.

Suspect is on the run,I repeat suspect is on the run heading East!

She called it in as she gave the chase, one that left me sprinting off in a rush, my destination well known to me.


I rang the door bell overlooking my shoulder, darkness was creeping in on downtown Queens. I could see my house, not far off. The front lawn brightly lit up as a dark figure went up and down behind the kitchen curtain.

" What do you want?" I hadn't noticed her presence, blood draining from her face as she froze on ice.


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