Chapter Twenty One.

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I closed the car's door and strapped my seat belt on. He was beaming at his phone screen as he replied the text he had just received. I ran my palm across my face as he turned to look at me.

" What?" He asked.

" Are we going or what? " He chuckles turning the ignition.

" Yeah we are," he said as we drove off. My eyes on the road but my mind was not at ease. A feeling of curiosity coming over me.

"'Who is she?" I faced him and he raised his eyebrows.

" I'm trying to drive Ella, " Will put his hand on the throttle easing back a little.

" Doesn't she have a name?" I continued.

" Why won't you get off my back for once Ella?" He glanced at the rear view his hands steady on the wheel.

" I don't get why you are hiding her from me." I countered.

He grabbed his phone and flashed it in my face.
" It's just a group chat, nothing to do with a girlfriend."
I glanced at him to find him staring at me.

" One way or another you know I will find out!"

" Yeah right," he muttered under his breath.

We stood at the doorway, the room reminding me of a ship wreck. It was messy and trashed , a topless Ryan lying on the bed his head buried in the pillows.

" Do you think he's dead?" I poked Will with my pointy elbow before getting in.

" Ella wait, don't touch anything. You said that Ryan's girlfriend could be the killer. What if she got to Ryan as well?"

I examined the place my eyes darting across the room.

" She came back!" I informed Will who cringed on hearing my words.

" That's exactly why we shouldn't touching anything, Ryan for that matter."

" What? Whose talking?" He stirred up from his sleep rubbing  his eyes as I was relieved that he wasn't dead.

" Ryan it's me Ella, I am here with Will."

" Ella? What are you doing here?" He sat up facing us and deep within me I was disgusted. Why did everyone keep asking me that question?

" Hey bro chill, we want to know the girl you were with." Will stepped in to help, a drowsy-eyed Ryan chuckling.

" Why bro? You think she killed Gabby?"

" We are not saying that we just want to know who it is." I hoped he didn't get more suspicious than he already was.

" Adrian told me you've been going up and down questioning people yet you're wanted by the police!"

" We are just trying to find out who really killed Gabby man," Ryan smiled at Will.

" It wasn't my girl OK, now get lost before I call the police!" He hurled as Will held me back because I was so close to knocking his teeth out.

" Keep your bitch on a leash bro," We were half way across the room when Ryan's words cut Will open.

" I dare you to open your mouth one more time and we'll see if you won't wake up in the ER," Ryan let out a laugh as my hand was coiled around Will's wrist .If it was up to me, I wouldn't have held him back.

" He's not worth it, just a brainless bum!"

" You better watch it!" He snapped and I don't know how it happened but Will's fist landed on his jaw making him fall over on spaghetti legs.

" Thanks,"I told him as he stared down at Ryan.

" I will always have your back Ella," he whispered in my ear in the warm embrace his hands rubbing my back.

" We should totally go, they will think he had one too many." We both laughed as we made our way to the door.

She came into view the minute the door was open. I  glanced at Will momentarily before grabbing her hand.  She tried to fight me off but this time however she was outnumbered. We bundled her in after the scuffle, a strong spirited fight if you ask me closing the door behind us.

"There is nowhere to run, take off that mask and show us who you are!" Will roared as the girl doubled back using her hands.

" Don't make it any hard than it already is!" She glanced at me and then at the open window. There was no way she was escaping this time.

I rushed to the window closing it shut as she picked up a wine bottle barking at Will to get out of her way. She was met with unwavering resistance as I tackled her to the ground in a minute of madness.

She was hard to pin down amid the scratching and clawing. We took the bottle from her Will pressing her arms to the floor as she kicked. The moment of truth came.

I pulled off the hideous mask from her face stunned as I jerked backwards. Oh my, Lindsay!


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