Chapter Twenty Four.

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She was still standing there her weeping face buried in his chest. I didn't understand why my two best friends had just pulled off the shocker of the year. I felt like I was on a chokehold that I couldn't break free from. Their lies and  deceit eating me up slowly, struggling to come to terms that they went behind my back and did this. I was in pain but a different kind of pain, one that neither words nor actions could explain.

" So it's true, the two of you are dating," I barely managed to find the courage to confront them.

" Ella we were going to tell you," Will came within an arms length still assessing the situation.

" When? When she's pregnant and the two of you are freaking getting married!"

Becky turned to me with teared up eyes as she fought to hold them back.

" Ella it's not like that, we were looking for the right moment to tell you and with everything that's going on it just didn't seem right." Becky countered.

" With everything going on you should have told me because now I don't know if I can believe anything you've told me so far. What more secrets are you guys hiding huh?"

I am almost breaking down, but I put on a brave face even though it hurts. A fire burns in my chest and I can't control it. My chest is heavy, my breathing constricted. I am close to losing it all.

" For a long time now, Becky and I have had a mutual attraction towards one another. It was until recently that we decided to make things official."

" When was until recently?" I defiantly asked folding my arms.

" The night of the party."

"/So the two of you have been going out for sometime now? You lied to me Will, you told me that you were still hurting over Maggie but how stupid of me! You had moved on and with who Will my best friend?"

" Don't get mad Ella it wasn't our fault all this happened," she defended him holding his hand, I could feel the pain again. This time like a bad migraine throbbing my head.

"/Yeah right of course it wasn't your fault. That's why you fucked him in the escape room didn't you?" Becky gasped in disbelief Will closing his eyes as he rubbed them gently.

" You read my diary!" She shrieked as I grinned.

" What was I supposed to do? It fell from your hands."

" You were supposed to mind your own damn business and fuck off!"

"/Guys that's enough," Will tried butting in but none of us would hear him.

" So if you knew about it why are you so mad right now Ella ?" She asked getting fired up now.

" I thought it was a one time thing because that is what Will does, use someone to forget about Maggie and then dump her right after."

" Well I made him forget Ella, can't you be happy about that? Didn't you see how he wasn't himself after Maggie? I had to do it because you couldn't do anything to help!" Unbelievable, this was my best friend talking to me this way, like some piece of trash on the sidewalk.

" Will was the creator of his own downfall. I told him a million times over to leave Maggie alone but he's the most stubborn and idiotic person when it comes to love." Will glances at me a bit disappointed but he knew I was right.

" I don't get it at all Ella, yes we lied but you, you are overreacting!" Becky hissed as I frowned at her.

"You don't get it? I don't trust you anymore Becky not after this. I mean everyone has been lying to my face this whole time and the two people I thought had my back just drove a knife into it!"

" Admit it Ella you're in love with Will too. I can see it in your eyes, I see the way you've looked at him ever since but wake up honey, you didn't do shit to tell him about it!" I spat in her direction, me, in love with Will? She must have hit her head or something.

"'I am not in love with Will, I could never be. Have you forgotten who Will is?" He got up breaking his silence after watching us tear through each other with everything  we had.

" I am right here Ella, I know that you think the worst of me hell I could care less. You are my bestie Ella, I tell you everything. When was the last time you saw me fooling around? I stopped all that and you would have noticed that I've changed if you weren't too self absorbed. The world doesn't have to revolve around you!" A tear escaped from my eye as I slapped him hard. He turned away as I picked my stuff up.

" I am leaving, I don't know why I came here in the first place." I told them in between the tears.

" Where will you go? The police station?" I had no time for Becky's sarcasm.

" I actually have a home Becky," I told her shoving my clothes in the back pack.

" Good luck going out there all by yourself with no one to help you! Don't be blinded by your ego, you need us despite what we did." I got up strapping the bag to my back.

" She's right Ella, don't go,"

" By twilight tomorrow, I will know who killed Gabby. It's been pretty confusing but everything is adding up now."

"'What do you mean by that?"

" You two are also on the suspect list!" Will chuckled softly as Becky laughed her heart out.

" Hey Ella you can't be serious. Look if it'll help I can ask Will here to get you laid because I'm sure that is what's bugging you. You're not mad because Will and I lied to you, you're mad because I fucked him first before you did!"

I looked at Becky smirking, my words leaving her speechless.

" Who told you that  I've never fucked him?"


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