Chapter Fourteen.

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Hey come with me!

I could make out his face although blurry, his voice was unique in it's own way. I got up feeling tipsy, looking back Becky was out like a light. Her eyes shut like sleeping beauty. I traced his hands to his visage, Adrian Russell was leading me upstairs never mind I could barely walk!

I opened my eyes my heart throbbing as a seething pain from my lower body made it's presence felt. I tried getting up but I was in excruciating pain clutching onto my abdomen. My eyes roving around the room, for some reason I had been here before and the picture frame by the bedside told me why.

" Thank God you're awake!" Will was holding a tray in his hands seemingly having been on first aid duty.

" What happened? Last thing I remember was being run over by a car." I sat up nevertheless because I had to hear first hand how I got here.

" We arrived just in time to hide you in Will's car," Rosenberg held my hand a smile beaming on her face.

"/We didn't take you to hospital because the accident wasn't that fatal but if you had not regained consciousness we would have been left with no other choice!" Brooks exhaled softly his blue eyes meeting mine.

" What about the driver? Did you see who it was because I swear there was no one at the parking lot at that time!" I tried to think back and recall if I had seen anyone behind the wheel but no such memory came into mind.

Will began hesitantly," There was no driver Ella, but the car's breaks were cut and someone guided it into your path!"

My face muscles twitched, my eyes widening ." Someone tried to kill you Rae!" I dug my fingers into my hair, I could feel something blocking my throat. Why would somebody want me dead? Why?

I looked up at the two of them my hazel eyes almost tearing up.

" I saw Russell," I began softly the back of my hand wiping off the tears in my eyes.

" Where? Was he the one who tried to kill you?" Brooks looked out of sorts a distraught Becky sitting beside me.

" No, it was in my dream but it is not a dream. It is a memory from the day at his party. He woke me up and lead me upstairs, I saw you Bex. You were fast asleep." I muttered under my breath shaking feebly.

" Do you recall anything else?" Inquired Rosenberg but I couldn't answer her question.

" No, that's all I remember, but someone is out to get me. The day I went back to our house the cops showed up all of a sudden. Today at school the same thing happened and this time I almost lost my life!" I turned to Will my eyes meeting his gaze.

" How long will you protect those bastards Will? One of them tried to kill me and the same person is responsible for Gabby Parker's death!"

He had to hear it once and for all, I was tired of him protecting the guys and yet clearly one of them was a twisted psychopath.

He got up pacing up and down his pale face in disbelief his hands trembling struggling to come to terms with reality.

" It doesn't make any sense at all Rae! Why would any of the guys want to frame you for Gabby's death and much less kill you?"He ranted, losing his cool.

" Adrian Russell would! That night at the party Ella turned him down so much so that he kicked us out. It is no surprise that Rae remembers him taking her from the couch!" Pointed out Becky as it all made sense now.

" That sick bastard! If I find out that he did anything to you, he will have to pay for it for the rest of his life!" Will clenched his white teeth in rage his hands folded into a fist as his knuckles whitened.

" Tell us everything you know Will, everything concerning Parker and the guys. Maybe it was just not one of the guys. Maybe it was the three of them!" Brooks raised his eyebrows suggestively his ocean eyes meeting mine.

William Brooks took a deep sigh, the secret he had long carried in his heart was going to be out in the open and the look on his face told us so.

" The guys were having trouble with their relationship's and so they needed someone who they could control. Someone who would help them get over their ex's. A rebound! Gabby Parker was that someone!"


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