Chapter Seven.

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Her lips were moving yet I couldn't make out what she was saying.

Frankly because it was happening all over again, she was talking and I didn't bother listening. Her well crafted diamond necklace hanging on  her long  neck as she struggled  to find the right words to address my current situation.

" Honey tell them what you know, anything that can get you out of here."

My mum was pleading with me tears streaming down her mascara- laden face. Her white  handkerchief firmly in her grip that more than once met her red eyes.

" Why do you care now mum? All I asked you was one movie night, just one. Now look what happened!" I scoffed at her my heart breaking into pieces thinking about what would have been if I hadn't gone to that stupid party in the first place.

" Are you blaming me now for what happened to you sweetie?" She asked teared up her thin lips trembling.

" What does it look like I am doing mum?"

" You know I was working that day, I told you!"

I wasn't going to fall for it anymore because I was tired, tired of looking like an idiot. I folded my arms with the I- don't- buy - it face!

The look on Agent Ross's visage when he walked in was priceless. He and his sassy assistant strode in like it was the norm with the investigation files resting close to their chests. This time he had a coffee cup well within his reach,on course to commence another grilling.

" We have found new evidence regarding the case," began Agent Ross in his hoarse booming voice as I was unmoved.

" Does it prove that I did not do it?" I inquired having been fed up by all this.

It had been three days since I was detained, not arrested. Three long boring days staring into space. Three long days wondering why all this happened to me!

" The victim ingested high level's of coke and with her recent medical records the autopsy confirmed that that is what led to the excessive bleeding  and to her untimely death!"

His assistant flashed the file in my face before slamming it on the table.

" Why were you doing drugs?" Agent Ross caught me off guard with his rude question.

" What! I didn't take any coke, I just had alcohol that's it!" I yelled at my oppressors because with every day that passed they were more convinced that I did it.

" You are what, 17? Do you expect us to believe you? "

" Yes! Yes! Ask anyone at Fair Lane, ask them Agent Ross, they will tell you that I don't do drugs and most especially that  I'm no murderer!" He looked back at his assistant with an icy look on his face before turning back to me.

" We have interviewed everyone who was at that party and none of them can confirm your statement. Actually what they did say was that you and Gabby Parker were never in talking terms," the petite assistant paced up and down in her black suit as she explained to me what was turning out to be made up nonsense.

" Do you know William Brooks?" Began Agent Ross glancing at his watch.

" Yes I do, we are best friends," I replied wondering where he was going to this.

" That is not  what the rest of the students said. Nearly everyone believes that you and William Brooks have a romantic affair going on. On the other hand Gabby's Instagram posts suggest that she felt the same way about Will.  So here is what I think happened,  you didn't like what Gabby did by posting Will, so you tell him to end things between them that is why they had a rift. That doesn't work out so you want to humiliate Gabby at the party. You get her so high unaware of her medical history. The victim excessively bleeds collapsing into the glass table. Small pieces of the glass table were recovered at the entry point of the blunt force trauma. You panic realising that your prank had gone too far, so you create a false story that you had passed out only to wake up cuffed to Gabby Parker's lifeless body!"

I stared in disbelief at Agent Ross, this was absurd!

" What?! Will and I are only friends despite what people think. He can confirm that so I don't have any reason to kill Gabby as per your theory!"

" Despite what William said we simply cannot overlook everything. You are telling me that everyone else is lying except for you two!" Roared Agent Ross his fierce gaze upon me.

" Explain my skin getting under her nails or the marks on our wrists?" I defiantly questioned their logic seeing that they were accusing me of something absurd as murder.

" You got into a fight with the victim, she scratches you in the scuffle your skin gets stuck under her nails. Same to the marks on your wrist, they are deep claws of the human nails!" I looked into her eyes, things were slowly getting out of hand.

" I need to go to the bathroom," I told them boldly Agent Ross signalling her assistant to attend to me. 

She was standing on guard behind the stall door listening to my every movement. She probably thought I was trying to make a run for it!

" Ella are you done?" She asked impatiently after my stall had gone quiet.

" Ella!" Her only mistake was that she was leaning on the stall door, so as the door flung open it ricocheted on her temple on the return swing, knocking her out cold! Or was my escape plan working to perfection!

I dragged her body into the bathroom stall and " borrowed" her clothes. On stepping out, there was only one thing left to do. I triggered the fire alarm and like magic disappeared into the fleeing crowds.


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