Chapter Twelve.

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Her soft lips brushing against mine felt so good and weird at the same time. Bitter sweet I guess. Maggie Bishop was like the hottest thing at Fair Lane and she was making out with me! Her eyes meeting mine in relish at her handy work. My cheeks flushing red, damn that girl was good!

He grabbed me out of the blue hurting to the core. I was scared stiff, Will was about to smack me in the face thinking that I was Christoph! The venom in his ocean eyes coupled with blood rushing through his visible veins enough to send me on a rampage.

" This is a big misunderstanding bro, we were just talking," I was in panic my pretty face about to be bruised.

" Let go of him now Brooks!" Yelled Maggie arms on her waist.

" You stay out of this!" He hissed back at her. " You think you can come here and kiss my girl and I will let it slide?" He turned to me infuriated as I freaked out.

" Dude you are embarrassing us! Let go of him right now!"Adrian Russell ordered him displeased by his lack of not keeping things together.

" No man, this.." The low blow hit him low and hard as he squealed in pain. Becky and I made a run for the door being the guilty one in this case.

" You better not show your faces here again !" We were out the door when Will was screaming at the top of his voice. Bishop and company amused to say the least.


" That was so intense!" Began Bex as we were safe in her bedroom.

" Not a word about what happened to anyone, not even Lindsay!" I gave her the warning but Becky will always be Becky.

" My lips are sealed," a giggle emanating from her lips.

" How was it though?" She asked curious beyond my own liking.

" Bishop is okay I guess, now let us watch the video before you get anymore ideas!" I grabbed Will's phone beginning my search for the clip.

" I haven't had so much fun in a long time you know, pity it had to be at Gabby's expense," Rosenberg sat next to me fixing her hair into a pony tail.

" That night at the party didn't you  see me next to you when you woke up?" I asked her trying to see if I had missed something.

" Yeah Ella, I woke up and you were gone, so I thought you had gone off with Russell. I even called you but you didn't answer. So I went home mad at you for leaving me behind. Imagine my surprise seeing you on the news Sunday morning!"

" What time did you wake up?" I was getting at something my instincts sending me into hysteria.

" A few minutes past midnight I guess, why?" Rosenberg folded her legs having gotten her attention.

" The police arrived at Adrian's house at about two thirty in the morning but Gabby's blood was still warm so she must have not been dead for more than half an hour." I got up my eyes roving around the room.

" What does all this mean?"

" I have to find out what happened to me between twelve midnight and 2 am! I had to have been with someone!" I pointed out.

" The question is, who?" I looked at Becky unable to answer her question. I had to try my best to remember what happened if I was ever going to get out of this fix!

William Brooks please report to Science Lab 3B.

The announcement on the public address system reverberated through every hallway, classroom and inch of Fair Lane High School.

He walked out of the cafe hurriedly overlooking his shoulder. He must have been scared as he made his way to the said destination. I pulled the hood over his head before Bex and I pushed him into the janitor's closet. His face a mask of horror when we came into view.

I signalled for him to remain quiet as we crouched downwards watching the rest of the guys go after Will.

" What's the meaning of all this?" Whispered Will sandwiched between Becky and I. " I'm supposed to go to Science Lab 3B."

" We sent that message genius so would you loosen up!" Rosenberg scoffed at him as he heaved a sigh of relief.

" I thought I was in big trouble!" He muttered leaning his head back in the congested space.

" Technically, you are in big trouble!" I told him as I fished out his phone a worried look on his face as he swallowed a huge gulp of saliva.

" Why Will, why did you do it?" I asked him as he dug his fingers deep into his hair.

" I don't know what you're talking about!" He protested avoiding my eyes as he stared blankly at the ceiling.

Becky took the phone from my hand and turned down it's volume.
Her index finger resting on the screen a frightened Will hiding his face in shame.

The guys from Will' s Boy's Club were in the video and they were making out with GABBY PARKER!


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