Chapter Twenty

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I could see them walk to an elevator, Ryan leaning on his girl as they patiently waited for the doors to open. She turned, her eyes almost meeting mine as I swiftly got to my feet pretending to lace my sneakers. The ding ushered them in as the doors opened and there was only one way to find out where they were going.

I ran up the flight of stairs , I could not blow this. I told myself. Here was my only chance because I never knew if I was to get another. First floor, I'm taking deep breaths but the elevator seems to be heading up.

Back to my race track it was, of the fourteen floored apartment building. I wondered if I was going to race them to the top but I hoped not. I was panting, my chest burning like hell but still it wasn't my lucky day.

" Hey I got your message," Will called me in the middle of a very important engagement.

" Not right now, I'm kinda busy." I hang up pushing my phone into my pocket jeans. The elevator had stopped it's empty space staring at me blankly. I ran my hand over my hair, I had a lot of doors to knock on.

What was I going to do? I stood in the hallway lost in thought. I had them on my radar only to lose them at the last minute. I exhaled sharply dragging my body to the stairs when an occupant emerged with a shopping bag.

" Hey are you lost or something?" He asked as I fabricated what to tell him.

" No no I'm not lost, just that I was looking for someone and I know he lives  on this floor but I don't know the door number."

" Oh,why are you looking for him?"

" He did something really really bad and just because his parents are rich he thinks he can get away with it." He looked at me possibly trying to find the person matching my description in his head.

" What did Ryan do this time?"

" You know him?" I put on an act pretending to be shocked which wasn't the case.

"'Yeah , unfortunately,"

" He um used my  car this weekend, it's all  banged up but  he refuses to pay for the damages would you believe that?" I asked him hoping he bought the story.

" Yep, that's Ryan alright, room 201, call me if you need a hand." I smiled.

" I will, thank you so much sir." He nodded before proceeding to his door. Room 201 was the second last door to the left, I was walking towards it when the unthinkable happened. She ran out of the room in a flash knocking me over. Her face covered in a mask with a hoodie and that made me even more angry. Go time!

I was so pissed when she ran down the stairs because she had no idea the hell I'd been through ascending those stairs. I followed hot on her trail as she looked over her shoulder.

Nothing was going to stop me from unmasking her as I jumped over the railings landing on my feet. She turned the heat on stealing a page from my book but I wasn't going to let her evade me.

The race to the door was no easy task, she shoved a middle age man in my path. I was quick to side step her as I was finger tips away from grabbing her.

I tugged on her arm as she tried to push me and in the heat of it all knocked the back of her leg. The doors were wide open as we fell down the stairs outside my body aching at every knock it received.

She lay a few inches away trying to get up, my hand wrapped around her leg. She shot me an ugly stare before driving her boot into my chest. The minute she was free from my grip, off into the darkness she disappeared as I looked on cursing at her.


"What happened?" Will's face was in shock when I hobbled into his house.

" Nothing, just a few scratches. Ryan's girlfriend put up a fight. I think she knows who I am and for some reason, I think she did it."

"'Did you manage to see her face?"

" Hardly, it was all covered up in a vampire mask."

I get to a chair and lean back, lately I've been putting my body through a lot of punishment.

" Lex seems clean Ella," began Will.

"'What do you mean?" I asked jerking forward.

" Some of the guys from football left with him after the fight with Ryan. Gabby was still alive when that happened."

" So that leaves Ryan's girlfriend, whoever she is. Do you think Ryan will talk?"

"It depends, when he's wasted the guy is a blabber mouth when he's not.."

" Perfect," I interjected." He was so drunk when he came to his apartment. Are you up for a late night drive?"I asked him in a warm smile.

Will looked at me and chuckled. "Sure, but what if his girlfriend shows up?"

" I'm counting on that." I said with a smirk on my face.


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