Chapter Eight.

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Ella Rae, a high school senior at Fair Lane in Queens has escaped police custody. The seventeen year old is the main suspect in the homicide case of her schoolmate Gabriella Parker. You are advised to be on the lookout for her and contact the police using the numbers at the bottom of your screen.

I slipped the spoon into my yummy bowl of cereal before guiding it to my awaiting taste buds. That was the fourth time today the announcement was made and it was bugging me out. My name and beautiful picture on display across all TV networks and social media platforms accompanied by the horrid proclamation. I was famous alright, famous for the wrong reasons.

He stopped at the doorway as our eyes met in the most awkward of ways unable to believe that it was actually me!

" Ella, what are you doing here?!" He shrieked heading to the window to take a peek." There are cops swarming everywhere looking for you!"

" Relax I had to go somewhere, besides, your folks won't be home for another two weeks." I replied digging into my cereal.

" Are those my sweats?" He was surprised to see me in his black sweats with white strips on the side.

" It was the only thing I could wear. " I paused for a second ." Plus this is your shirt too."

" Oh great!" He muttered falling into a bean bag.

" Will, someone set me up and I need to find out who. I didn't kill Gabby Parker," he leaned in holding a pillow his face a mask of horror as he froze.

" Wait , so you think I did it?" He shot up in a flash looking me straight in the eye.

" I didn't say that but you have to tell me what went on between you and Gabby . Where did you go Brooks? You said you would come back for us and the minute I wake up my whole life is up side down. "

I needed answers, answers that could lead me to Gabby's real killer, that way I was bound to get my freedom.

" Gabby and I were arguing because of her Instagram post where she was lying that she and I were dating." He told me hesitantly as I paced up and down.

" I don't believe you Will, Gabby Parker isn't the first girl at Fair Lane to be obsessed with you and lie to everyone that you two are dating. Besides, that day on her driveway you told her that she wouldn't be the last. What did you mean by that?" He looked away from me his ocean eyes roving around the room.

" I told her that she wasn't the first girl to be obsessed with me neither will she be the last!" He was tearing up and I didn't know what to make of it.

" Where were you at the party?" I inquired because at this point I dared not trust anyone.

" I went to look for my phone but when I came back you were gone and so was Becky," he told me as I ran my fingers through my hair. Everyone was telling the same story, that I had disappeared next to Becky. How was that possible?!

" You know what, the last time I asked you what was going on between you and Gabby you told me you couldn't tell me. Today it happens you have an answer for everything," I looked him in the eye and told him off to his face.

" You aren't being honest with me Brooks and I don't believe a word you have just said, especially after you have recorded everything we were saying," his phone had the screen facing downwards and when I turned it over my worst fears were confirmed.

" Glad to see that you found your phone, it would be a shame if you lost it!" I smiled at him as he swallowed a painful gulp of guilty and deceit.

" You are a liar and a cheat Will, and here I thought we were best friends. I don't want to see your disgusting face again!"

I slipped out of his room in no time his face in utter shock as he called out to me. It was clear that William Brooks couldn't be trusted, at that point I wondered who was at my corner.


I pushed the window upwards and just as I had suspected, it was not locked. I grabbed a few stuff, some clothes ,cash and anything I thought was essential for my survival.

" Who are you?" The flashlight beamed in my face and the woman came into view scared out her skin a baseball bat in her hand.


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