Chapter Thirteen.

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Will took his phone from Becky's hand his face ice cold, as he grunted!

" So you are the guys who broke into my locker yesterday!" His high pitched  voice doing little to contain his disappointment.

" I'm glad we did because we're one step closer to finding out who Gabby's murderer is!"

He had to face the facts that the video was too incriminating to turn a blind eye on.

" Big deal Ella, it's just a video of the guys kissing Gabby Parker, nothing more!" Protested Brooks as I sighed.

" I am sure there is more to all this. Adrian , Ryan , Lex and you are freaking women scavengers! One little kiss wouldn't satisfy your raging hormones!" Rosenberg hit out at him as he dug his fingers into his dark hair in a soft chuckle.

" If I were a woman scavenger as you have put it, don't you think the two of you would have been with me on the same bed by now!" I poked Brook's ribs, this was no time for fooling around.

" You are just not our type Will!"

" I think I agree!" I frowned at them because of this baseless nonsense .

" Why were the guys involved with Gabby Parker? I mean I am talking about three of the hottest guys in school and an awkward, weird and disliked seventeen year old!"'Will and Bex looked at me like what the hell did you just say! Yet it was true and I had to connect the dots fast.

Ella Rae has been spotted on the school premises. If you happen to see her text the main office on her whereabouts. Don't let her get away because there is a reward for her capture. As of this moment, Fair Lane  is under lockdown!

The announcement caught me off guard leaving me short of breath my palm across my face. As the school doors closed shut, I knew there was  a target on my back! My mind was a blur anxiety creeping on me like a leech. I closed my eyes, I wasn't going to prison. No!

" Ella what are we going to do?" panicked  Becky as I locked the door to the janitor's closet.

I swear I saw the police heaving up and down, sentinels in tow in search of  Ella Rae!

" I can get you to the science lab 3B, there is a window at the back that's always open. From there you can get to the parking lot. You can hide in the boot of my car until all this settles." Will shot up with a brilliant idea that gave me life. I was in his arms in no time never mind what awaited me out there.

" Thank you so much Will but please promise me you will tell us everything you know about the guys and Gabby because I think one of them is Gabby's murderer!" I looked into his ocean eyes tearing up , he couldn't  hide the guilt I saw edged on his face.

" I promise you Rae, I will tell you everything."

" Guys I hate to break this sweet moment but there is an officer coming this way!" Becky sounded the alarm and Will motioned for me to get into the bin as he unlocked the door.

I hesitantly obliged as I had no other choice because hey, it was no time to be picky. He grabbed her anyhow groping her body as he locked his lips with hers. She was breathless as she closed her eyes her cheeks flushing red. His fingers raking her thighs as his head dug into her bosom! I wish I hadn't seen in at all, butterflies rocking my stomach back and forth.

" What are you kids doing here!" The officer barged in bringing to a halt Will and Becky's intense moment. Rosenberg's shirt hanging freely with her buttons undone her anatomy half on display as she folded her arms .

" Officer I was just having fun with my girlfriend. Is there a problem?"

Like the smooth operator that he was Will sold the story perfectly throwing his hand behind Becky's back.

" Ella Rae is on the loose in your school, be on the lookout for her!"

" Alright sir we will get dressed and clear out. If we see her we will let you know." His smile radiant as the plump officer nodded taking his leave.

" Give me a heads up next time, will you!" Rosenberg told him getting dressed.

"'Me too Will!" I blurted out but he pushed me back in.

" Okay he is gone lets go!' I looked at Brooks shaking my head as Becky bit her lower lip.

" Now I know why they call you Fair Lane's resident bad boy!" Will waved Becky off urging us to go.

" That was a one time thing honey, it won't happen again!" Becky rolled her eyes to his words as we made our way out of the janitor's closet. Will pushed the bin down the hallway as it sped on it's wheels the both of them checking if there was anyone in sight.

I slipped out of the bin and into science lab 3B and as Will had mentioned the back window was open.  I was ecstatic, here was my chance and I wasn't going to let it slip away.

" Go on now, Ella you can do this !" He nodded telling me to make a run for it.

" We will meet you outside," added Bex as I slipped out elated.

" Thank you guys!" I told them before climbing down in a rush.

The parking lot was awash with cars but it took little effort to spot the blue Chevrolet Silverado because I had ridden in it one too many times.

The black SUV came out of nowhere as it rammed into me sending me sprawling to the floor. I looked up to the blue sky, what a way to die!


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