Chapter One.

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"Ella smile for the camera!"

I stick out my tongue and do a whacky pose, Will shifts uneasy as he steadies his camera for the shot.

"Move a little to the side, the background needs to come out perfectly,"

I knew I had the right guy for the job and this was why.

I roll my hazel eyes shuffling my feet to where it's deemed fit. I part my lips, this single shot is taking ages. You would probably think it was picture day, yeah right!They would never let Will near the camera. It's not that he was irresponsible or wasn't  good with the lenses. It was just that at Fair Lane Will Brooks was always the. guy posing for the camera. Why you ask? I will get to that part later.

"That's  it, give me more!" The crooked smile on his lips coupled with his daunting blue eyes  would make you want to go topless, but not me,not ever. That would be really gross!

" I thought one would do," I said frowning at him.

" You are single Ella, how will guys DM you with one duck face pose!"

He checks the pic and laughs hysterically.

" How would you know?" I hiss not bemused by his antics.

" I'm  on top of the food chain baby, that's how," Will grins, his bloated ego doing a number on him.

I shrug having been fed up by all this nonsense of updating my Instagram to get a flock of idiots who are only looking for a glory kill!

" I'm  leaving," I tell him picking up my stuff.

" But we're not done yet Rae, I promised I would help you with this!"

" I will just take a selfie, big deal,"I reply, having accepted my fate.

" Fine ,at least let me take one more!"

He was not going down without a fight and as always I was going to let him have his way.

I scowl at him cause his hand is coiled round my wrist and I don't like the eye contact.

" Okay fine, just one photo," I sigh softly placing my bag on the chair closest to me.

The radiating smile made the pic by far one of my best and so up it went on my wall. I placed my laptop aside and rested my head  backwards on the fluffy pillows. A tingle on my lips as my mouth corners up turned.

Thank you for everything Will!

Do not sweat it, you know I always have your six.

My phone was in my hand after I had done the noble thing, say thank you to a guy who was on his knees for a peek, yeah that's noble!

" I saw that you updated your profile,"

Lindsay stared at me sheepishly during lunch as I lifted my face wondering why she was making a big deal out of it.

" So?" I asked her.

" What happened to the weird pencil sketches?"

She mocks me giggling a little.

" It was time for a little change don't you think?" I dig into my fries as Lin smiles at me.

" You are totally looking for a guy right?"She lets out a wheezy laugh as Becky sits down to join us.

"Who is looking for a guy?" She asks glancing at Lindsay and I.

Lin gives me away with her scrunched eyebrows.

"Ella! No way!" She gasps her palm on her lips.

I bury my face in shame, it 's not like I want to be invisible forever.

" It's not funny you guys!"

" Sorry, so what are the results so far?" Inquires Lin mischief edged on her angelic face.

I hesitantly reply.
" It's a work in progress," I tell them unable to hide my discontentment.

" Face it Rae, no guy is ever going to hit you up," Bex was too blunt for my liking.

" Why? I'm a keeper!" I sneer at my best friend clutching onto my milkshake
" Everyone. at Fair Lane knows that you and Brooks have something going on!"They giggle as though in sync at Becky's words.

" Never in a million years!! Will and I are childhood friends. I practically saw him naked when he was five!"

" Still, people suspect he is  hitting it out of the park," Lin rests on Becky's shoulder laughing.

" It's true, that's why most guys basically ignore you," I shriek looking at Bex in utter disbelief.

" Will is a man whore!" I protest unable to wrap my head around the idea that my best friends thought I was making deals with the Devil!

The silence that befalls the table makes me shift awkwardly to see Gabby Parker stand behind me.

Her glasses look greasy, her curly hair all messed up. Black jeans with a pink top, a cheeky smile and a tray in hand. It didn't cross my mind that I would forever have that image printed at the back of my mind.

" Hey Ella," She waves fixing her hair behind her ear.

" Hey Parker," I look at her clueless at what she wants cause we had never talked to each other since she stole my candy in kindergarten. Yeah I am that childish!

"Have you seen Will? I have been looking for him all day and I haven't seen him."

" Will Brooks?" asks Lindsay who is almost laughing to her knees.

" Yes, have you seen him?" Gabby was the most innocent of the bunch at Fair Lane yet quite the boomerang.

" Nope!" Lin tried to contain her amusement as Bex drove her hand into her shoulder.

" He had a family emergency, why don't you give him a call?" I inform a distraught Gabby Parker of the unbecoming.

" Oh OK,  but I don't have his number,"
I do her the quick favor and soon she is off our hairs, a happy Daisy.

" Did any of you find that weird?"Lindsay blurted out looking in Gab's direction.

" Just because it's Gabby Parker why should it be weird? I did not pay attention to Lin and Bex's clash of words, but I wish I did!

Author's Note

So that's chapter one.
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!
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