Chapter Twenty Three.

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The whiteboard stared at me blankly, awash with the pinned photographs of all my suspects. I wondered who was lying and who was telling the truth. I had reached a point where I had to examine each and every one of them. Every detail, every suspicion that could possibly answer all my burning questions.

Adrian Russell.
He was Gabby's closest friend.
On the night of the party they were both chatting happily.
Could he be the new guy Gabby was talking about in her letter?

I circled his name and put a red sticker against his picture. He had more to tell and even a bigger motive to kill Gabby. What if Gabby couldn't get over Ryan and that made him drunk with jealousy? I had seen how he had reacted when I turned him down. I hope Gabby hadn't done the same and met her untimely death.

Ryan Wallace.
The man who Gabby was deeply in love with.
He couldn't have done it unless he had developed the same feelings as Gabby.
Possibly jealous that she was moving on with Adrian.

I pinned yet another red sticker, it all made sense. If Ryan was falling for Gabby then she all of a sudden pulled a plug on him, he had to have a reason to kill her.

Lex Keagan.
Had a fling with Gabby.
Could have also been in love with Gabby.
Have to confirm his alibi.

Lex Keagan was the wild card, I knew little about his involvement with Gabby. Here I was second guessing if he really did it. Red sticker, I couldn't be too sure.

Lindsay Harris.
Ex best friend.
Ryan's main.
Feuded with Gabby.
Lied about her and Ryan.
Her story was a pile of garbage I didn't believe in.

Triple red stickers!

Rebecca Rosenberg.
My bestie.

I decided against giving her any sticker for that matter because I hoped she didn't do it. I prayed she didn't do it but I had no choice but to here her side of this ever dynamic story.

" She's here," Will stuck her head in as I glanced at him for a second. My mind was in shambles never mind what I was going to say to her. How was I to look her in the eye and not think for a minute that she wasn't lying to me.

I turned the whiteboard over covering it with a blue blanket. She climbed up the stairs as her footsteps became even more clearer. My heart was pulsating fast as I took deep long breaths to calm me down. I drank from the glass, my dry throat needing another round but she was already here. Her caramel hair in the ever familiar ponytail as she drew closer to me.

" May I sit?" Her gaze is uneven a clueless expression on my face.

" Just tell me what happened Becky," The strength it took for me to utter those words was unmatched. I was tapping into something deeper feeding of it because I felt unable to continue.

" I didn't lie because I wanted to, I lied because I had to." She continued.

" I don't care about why you lied, just tell me where you were at the party. Did you even pass out? Or was that another lie!" I lashed out to her.

She was talking in between sobs, her hands trembling as she parted her hair backwards.

" Ella I didn't lie about that. I never left your side. I woke up and you weren't there I am not lying!"

" What happened after you woke up?" I asked ignoring that she was breaking down unable to keep it together.

" I went to meet up with this guy I have been seeing for sometime now. He hadn't left the party so we .."

" Which guy are you talking about? You don't have a love life much less a boyfriend so quit lying to me Becky!" I yelled at her as she collapsed to her knees.

She lifted her face up tears having streamed down her perfect face. She dried her eyes getting back to her feet, her eyes meeting mine.

" What's going on here? I can here you guys from downstairs. Is everything OK?" Will got in no sooner than our high pitched voices tore through his bedroom roof.

" This liar here was confessing about something, apparently she never left the party like she said she did!" Will turned to Becky his face ice cold.

" Me not leaving the party doesn't mean that I killed Gabby. Why would I?" Becky countered.

" So where exactly were you and with whom?" I barked at her as Will's hands rested on my shoulders trying to get me to calm down but it was all. for nothing.

" I was with Will OK? Him and I are dating!"

Her words cut me open as I shifted slowly to look at Will's guilty face.


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