(s.h.) another brick in the wall

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sage x slash

at a bandmate and his love's wedding, slash bitterly thinks about their forbidden relationship.

word count:

another brick in the wall-pink floyd

He felt her slipping, right through his calloused fingers. God, the way she looked at him made Slash want to vomit. Sage's eyes glistened in a way that Slash had never seen when she looked up at him.. admiration, was it? Pride? Love?

As much as his stomach tossed at the very sight, the guitarist couldn't help but admit that they looked good together. She, on the other hand, was purely stunning. The silky white dress cascaded across her fair skin with ease, bringing out her deep green eyes in a way that the jealous bandmate always appreciated.

Standing directly next to Steven, his drummer, was Slash's love, perhaps of his life. At their wedding. The mesh veil revealed her smooth skin and flawless face. Steven's bright blue eyes lit up even more, if that was possible. 'He's known for his signature smile, but his cheeks have to be hurting now' Slash thought bitterly.

As the priest began reciting the vows, Slash caught the way Sage's eyes began watering up, brimming her eyelashes with tears. His eyebrows furrowed a little deeper- he really didn't like this. Sage and Steven had been together for about a year and a half before Steven wanted to get hitched. He loved her, but then again, who didn't?

Slash would typically 'man-up' and go after his woman, but he really did love to see his brother so happy. Since knowing the blond for nearly ten years, it was an unspoken rule that Slash and Steven could never get in the way of each other's happiness. But why couldn't he get the girl?

Perhaps it was that very attitude, the cocky voice in the back of his curls mumbling that every woman that has ever laid eyes on him has wanted to have sex. Groupies practically kissed his boots, women begged to be with him. Maybe it was the fact that he has gotten every single- or taken- girl he's ever wanted. Every one but Sage.

Slash began chewing on his cheek in frustration. He thought Steven would never know about the nearly-unnoticeable birthmark on her thigh, the one she'd giggle at when he kissed it. He'd never know how Sage loved to pull on each of Slash's curls and watch it bounce back up into its coil. He despised the fact that Steven would never make Sage really smile until the dimple on her cheek would show. She only did that around Slash.

The beaming smiles on both of their faces seemed to mirror the complete opposite of Slash's frown. He was jealous, that much was obvious, even the rest of the band knew. But alas, not one of the guys had the heart to tell the drummer about Slash's aching heart. They, too, were far too happy seeing Steven like this- but they also knew about the fling that Slash and Sage had while the drummer and her were together.

But what Slash wasn't aware of, was that Steven did know. He knew about the birthmark, and the dimple, and her love for big, poofy hair. Furthermore, he also knew that she would fidget with her nails when she's nervous, or that she tried to learn guitar for almost two years before giving up and beginning to do art. He also knew that she cheated.

He knew, because she told him. With shaky hands and quivering lips, she admitted that she slept with someone else. Steven couldn't tell Slash he knew, it would ruin their relationship- or so he thought. The drummer didn't freak out as much as one would expect. He sighed and hugged her while she practically sobbed and begged for his forgiveness. "It's okay, Sage. You love me, right? And it didn't mean anything? Then that's all that matters. That you love me."

Sage never lied to Steven. Slash really did mean nothing to her. He wasn't even as good in bed as her Steve was. She couldn't shake the thought of how she'd typically grip onto Steven's blond locks instead of dark curls while they slept together. He was just another notch on the bedpost, and she felt disgusting after. That's all he was to her.

Just another brick in the wall.


!! r. speaks:
yikes.. huh?? what are the thoughts on this? more happy stories, more sad?? what's the move here. i don't even know if this one made sense, i hope you guys understood it the way it was in my head. anyway, this is somethin' i had an idea for while doing homework, so.. enjoy ? also go read the new books! 

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