(s. h.) mr. brownstone

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jasmine x slasb

request for @Skskbaiakanao
interview moments with the band.

word count:

mr. brownstone-guns n' roses

"Finally, returning from Guns N' Roses' song from their newest record featuring their newest headliner, Jasmine, are the musicians themselves." The young brunet interviewer turned to the two couches filled with the members and smiled before glancing to the pad in his lap. "The numbers are telling us that this tour is the biggest yet. After peaking the charts with your debut of Appetite For Destruction, how did you all manage to pull off yet another incredibly successful and well received album?"

"Drink." Duff said, nodding gently.

Slash nodded to that in agreement under his thick curls. Axl shrugged, "It's a balance of allowing yourself to let loose and have fun while also staying motivated to make something that sounds good. We're always in the studio, recording, just.. sometimes it doesn't sound so great." The members all vaguely nodded at this, recalling the many times a full day of studio work went to waste, often because of a unanimous hangover from a party the night before.

"You should hear Slash coming into practice late. He's usually drunk and makes us record the take again and again for like an hour." Jasmine chimed in, gently elbowing the guitarist beside her with a smile before he nudged back with his leg.

"Like that one time on stage!" Steven chimed, recalling the guitarist's drunk mishap that caused for a strange into to 'Welcome to the Jungle'. Izzy mumbled under his breath, "More like any time he goes on stage."

"It's surprising how well Jaz can perform even after partying with us. She's beaten Duff in a drinking contest twice now!" Steve added again, gleaming with admiration and a boyish crush. Slash slung an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into the comfort of his grasp, "My girl is the only one who can keep up with us."

A cameraman stood a distance away, filming footage for the Sweet Child music video around the set. The lens was focused in on the sight of Slash and Jasmine sitting on his two wall stack amps. She held a guitar in her lap and picked a gently melody, sending waves of soothing music through the room. Slash held another guitar, playing chords and soloing over the melodies.

Their bodies naturally leaned in to one another's, their arms touching while the music amplified the space.

The camera panned to Steven, who then mockingly stuck out his tongue and gagged at the romantics.

Slash grasped the mic while unintentionally leaning his weight onto Jasmine, who was sat beside him at the bar. The room was bustling with noise and an MTV cameraman with a bright light was filming the two to promote the tour.

"Well, here we fuckin' are." he slurred, sipping from his whiskey and looking to the girl, who was quick to correct his behavior. "No bad words, Saul."

"Who fuckin' cares. The tour is doing great. Best nights of my life. Can't remember half of it though," he laughed.

Jasmine took the microphone and then Slash's glass, "Enough drinks for Curly, I'm cutting him off. The tour has been great. Europe is next, and we couldn't be more stoked."

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