( d. m.) jailhouse rock

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lizzy x duff

lizzy finds herself in trouble yet again, but meets a new face.

word count:

jailhouse rock (live)-mötley crüe

Still two cops working at midnight. Still no barbecue chips in the vending machine. Still a shit-hole.

Lizzy's thoughts bounced around in her head as the familiarity of the cold metal cuffs around her wrists settled into her stomach. This was the third time in four weeks that she'd landed herself in Seattle's own local Shoreline Jailhouse and, believe or not, this run was one of her more impressive streaks of not getting caught. She'd almost gotten to double digits in one month, once.

The girl's long, dark hair flowed in a curtain like manner around her face, shielding her skeptical gaze from the painful fluorescent lights lining the hallway's ceiling above. Her lanky figure allowed her to almost meet the cop's full height, though her back slightly hunched with her closed off body language.

Pat, the large and sweaty police officer that was leading her to the corner cell at the end of the hall, unlocked the handcuffs and granted her entrance. "Now we wait for mommy and daddy." he deadpanned, carelessly glancing at the girl before walking away. He had seen her in there many times before, and did in fact know her name from her record, but never bothered to address her properly.

That irritated Lizzy, but she tended to keep her thoughts to herself.

Her fingers plucked at the loose threads on her frayed jeans as she sat on the concrete bench, staring at the ground and waiting for the minutes to pass. She had no idea how long she'd have to stay there until her parents would inevitably pick her up and give her an earful the entire week following- but she found herself already dreading it.

The large t-shirt she wore did little to keep her warm as the cool stone chilled her skin when she relaxed her figure against the wall behind her, growing as comfortable as possible in the dreadful cubicle. Twenty silent minutes must've passed before she heard the jingling of the guard keys again. She looked up through her hair and expected to be let out but instead, was met with another kid that looked to be around her age.

Pat didn't bother commenting this time as the boy walked into the cell, looking at Lizzy as he figured a place to sit. He eventually settled on the opposite end of the same bench and after a long moment, spoke, "What'd they getcha for?"

She shrugged with a shoulder and tucked her arms closer to her body, mumbling, "Destruction of government property, I guess."

She didn't exactly take pride in her actions, or especially the consequences that followed them, but found her motives to be reasonable enough. A security guard patrolling a school caught her spraying painting some pick of her many progressive phrases, such as 'fuck the pigs, eat bacon', onto an unattended cop car, and just like that, Lizzy was detained.

She had boiled it down to a simple miscommunication between her message and the security guard, but again, refrained from arguing her point to him.

"Cool. This is the second time they got me for possession of a level 2 drug. Second time. Figures. I guess it's fitting." He scoffed but shook his head and snickered to himself, "What morons." Lizzy found his lighthearted, almost amused, reaction to his charges somewhat refreshing compared to her overdramatic parents' responses. She could only imagine how they'd react if she'd done what he had.

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