still of the night

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after the usual argument with your mom, you look for comfort in your best friends, will and jeff.

word count:

still of the night-whitesnake

"Shut up!" I yelled, balling up my fists. Just when I thought I could get away by stomping up to my room, my mother followed right behind. "Harley, you're going crazy! You think you're some kind of adult? That you rule the house because you're all grown up? You're a bitch, even to me!" "You're saying that like you're some kind of exception!" I hissed, snatching the bag from under my bed. I always kept that bag ready; This was the routine.

"I'm your mother!" "You're lucky to call yourself a mother! Just 'cause you gave birth to me doesn't mean you love me! You fucking hate me, admit it!" I growled, walking to leave the room, but she was blocking the doorway. "You're just like your father! God! I wouldn't be surprised if it was your fault!" she barked. "Fuck you! I was two years old, you bitch! He didn't do it because of me! He left you!"

"Then why hasn't he ever tried to call you? Huh, honey?" she said softly, caressing my cheek. "Fuck you!" I screamed, pushing her back against the hallway wall and busting open the front door. "Come back when you're ready to act like a normal teenager, Harley!" "I'll come back when you're a good fucking mom!" I shrieked, storming down the driveway and throwing up a middle finger over my shoulder. Huffing and puffing, I heard the door slam behind me.

I made my usual way to Jeff's house; It was muscle memory at this point. Once again, my mom and I had gotten into a fight and somehow, my dad got brought up. He left when I was young and she's blamed it on me ever since. Slipping through the fence, I reached Jeff's window. Cracking my knuckles against the glass, I leaned against brick of the small house. Soon enough, the window opened and he leaned out, "Your mom again?"

I shrugged, nodding for him to come out. "Alright, give me a second." He slipped into a pair of jeans and boots, hopping through the window when he was done. As he hit the dirt just a few feet below, he sighed, "She's a prick, man. Don't even worry about it." "Yeah." I agreed simply. Trudging our way to Will's house, we sat outside of his window after Jeff knocked. Muffled yelling could be heard from within the walls, but we ignored it. I wasn't the only one that had it hard.

Once we heard the door close, Jeff knocked again. Will slid up the window, sighing when he saw us. Without words, he slid through and shut it behind himself. "Rough night?" I asked quietly. "Yeah. You?" he responded. "Somethin' like that. How 'bout you, Jeff?" I asked. "Nothing out of the norm, I guess." he shrugged.

We arrived at the train tracks, sitting on the rusted metal and looking up to the stars. The cool wind tossed around our hair softly. I pulled out a small mint tin from my bag. My place to keep all of my goods. Without a warning, I sparked the end of my joint that was rolled like shit, breathing in deep. The familiar itch burned at the back of my throat as I took my second hit, passing it to Will who was sitting on my left. He gave me an appreciative look before doing the same as I did, inhaling and taking two hits then passing it to Jeff who was on my right.

"We're gonna get out of here some day." Will stated, sighing while he gazed into the dark sky. "Someday." I echoed. "This town is shit." Jeff mumbled, running his fingers back though his chestnut hair. "We'll survive," I confirmed, "And I'm gonna show that bitch of a mom I have that it wasn't my fault." I mumbled soon after.

"It wasn't your fault." Jeff assured. "Yeah. I.. I know." I nodded, though I wasn't fully convinced with myself. Hitting the joint again, I choked up a small few coughs. I laid my head onto Jeff's lap, extending my legs across Will's thighs. Jeff began to thread his fingers into my hair softly, twirling the pieces. "It'll get better. Eventually." Will mentioned.



!! r. speaks:
i really like this one, i think it's a cool idea, i dunno. again, if u guys have any suggestions of what i should be writing, let me know and message me!!! enjoy?

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