(i.s.) smile like you mean it

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les x jeff

after breaking up with your boyfriend, you go to your best friend for comfort.

word count:

smile like you mean it-the killers

I hated to admit it, but I was getting tired of him. The small things that he did that I used to find cute grew into pet peeves. His eyes haunted me. His voice constantly rang in my ears like an alarm clock. The way he would wrap his arm around me and gave me butterflies now made me bored. I've longed for him for so much time, why don't I want him anymore?

Ringing the familiar number on the landline, I twirled the cord nervously. It was now or never, Les. Just do it. "Hello?" "Who's that, babe?" a girl's voice called in the background under the questioning tone of my soon-to-be ex-boyfriend. "Hello?" he repeated. The girl cooed again, "Come back to bed, sweetie!" I licked my lips and sighed, "We're done, Joshua."

"What? Les? That you, babe? L-Les, wait. I can explain, I swear-" "Don't talk to me." I warned, slamming the phone onto the receiver. I slumped onto my bed, staring at the ceiling. I lost track of time and before I knew it, pebbles were tapping against my window. The first time I flinched, but the rhythm of them was familiar. I knew it like my own heartbeat. Without having to look, I opened my window and slid out before hauling myself down the rain gutter and using the roof to finally land.

"Hey." Jeff smiled sweetly. For the first time ever, I noticed his eyes crinkling at the corners.. and I loved it. "Hey." I said back. "You alright?" I mindlessly followed him as he began leading the way to our usual spot. "Somethin' like that." "What's wrong?" he asked. I shook my head, looking down at my sneakers. The night was dim, the moon being our only light as it hung high in the sky. "Hey- Les," he craned his neck so he could catch my eyes, "What's up?"

"Y'know Joshua?" I started. He groaned and rolled his eyes, "Ugh, that asshole? Don't tell me he did somethin' to you, 'cause I'll beat that punk to a pulp." "No, Jeff," I chuckled, "I ended things with him." Finally making it to the park, we sat on the benches. "You broke up with him?" he gawked. "Yeah. There was some girl at his house anyway, so I think it was like.. fair game." I shrugged.

"Hm." he grunted. We sat in a silence for a few moments, I lost count of how long before he broke it. "Y'know, you never smiled around him." he stated while looking into the dark mass of trees beyond us. "Huh?" "Like.. when you would smile or laugh or whatever, it wasn't real. You never smiled like you meant it. It was always fake and forced." I quirked an eyebrow, "That's not true." "Oh, sure it is." Jeff shrugged nonchalantly.

I frowned at him. How would he know? "When you actually smile you get this little dimple on your cheek. Right.. there." He gently poked my face, causing me to giggle. "See? It's showing." he stated. "Shut up, Isbell." I blushed. "Plus, he never appreciated you." I rolled my eyes, "Are you just trying to talk shit on him now that we're not together?"

"Nope. He never looked at your eyes and noticed that there's little tiny freckles of a darker brown in them. Or that you play with your rings when your nervous or scared. He didn't even see that you blush at every little compliment- even about something simple like your outfit. By the way, I like that shirt. It really brings out your eyes."

I bit my lip to hold back a smile, "Quit it. You can't even see my eyes." "Yet you're still blushing." he pointed out, smirking smugly. "You're an idiot." I groaned. "He never saw that you always bite your bottom lip, either. I always liked it." he said softly. I looked at him, connecting our gaze together. I instinctively bit my lip, just as he said. He smiled gently, bringing his hand to the side of my face and running his thumb along my cheekbone.

I flickered my eyes between his eyes and lips, eager to see if he would make the move. Just as I had expected, he slowly leaned in. I followed suit, pressing my lips on his. He sighed after pulling away, shaking his head, "God, I've wanted to do that for so long." I giggled.

"Hey, by the way? Your lips taste good."


!! r. speaks:
i really like writing about them as teenagers, especially iz (and maybe axl too) in indiana. anyway, did u enjoy?? let me know and don't forget to stay tuned!! peace!

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