( a. r.) femme fatal

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showgirl x axl

birthday boy axl catches his eye on unexpected company.

word count:

femme fatal-the velvet underground

Slash clapped his hands over Axl's shoulders in a brotherly manner as he began uproariously announcing the exciting plans for Axl's awaiting birthday party.

"Dude! You've got no idea. The boys and I pulled together this gnarly night and you're so gonna love it! Just wait, at the end of the night, we got a few surprises for you." He wiggled his dark eyebrows and gave Axl a suggestive, cheeky look. The redhead shook his head and laughed, "Yeah, I believe you, crazy fuckers."

"Trust me, man, it's gonna be a blast."

Before he knew it, Axl was at the front doors of a very loud and very vibrant club, all sorts of colorful lights glowing from within the large glass windows. Slash stood at the doors beside him, resting an elbow on his shoulder, "No time to waste, brother! You're missing your own party!" The guitarist swung open both doors dramatically and stepped in. Axl followed suit as his companion began yelling out comments as they walked through the crowd, "Watch out! The Axl is here everyone! Calm yourselves! He's here!"

Eventually they were relieved with the some-what private section of their VIP back table, where the rest of Guns N' Roses was seated with an abundance of various party favors and remedies.

"Hey! Birthday boy's here!" Duff cheered, raising his bottle in the air before taking a swig. "Drink! It'll only make it better," Steven slid a beer to Axl, who sat between Izzy and Slash, and the blond smiled,"Happy birthday, man."

"We've got quite the night planned for you, y'know. Better start getting caught up, I'm already halfway blacked out right now." Izzy said, nudging Axl's arm jokingly. They both laughed and the singer raised his glass to his lips, swallowing a majority of the bottle and smiling. For once, he was actually beginning to enjoy one of his birthday parties.

In the past, he seemed to always be troubled by one thing or another during festivities like these, and tended to get too overwhelmed and act out. Axl often despised the intensity of his emotions, and though they did make for incredible music, it would often lead to embarrassing situations. Interrupted by Steven and Slash's laughter, Axl tried to pull himself from his pestering thoughts. He wanted to enjoy the night, so he would.

Various artists and bands visited their table, wishing their best to the singer, sometimes accompanied by gifts. More than a handful of these gifts happened to be drugs, which the band took gladly and gratefully. Left, center and right, people seemed to be passing Axl drinks before he could halfway finish the one previous. Hours passed as he laughed and partied and relished in the atmosphere of his own celebration. He was beyond appreciative for his friends' thoughtfulness, though sometimes he couldn't exactly express it.

His vision became hazy soon enough and he drunkenly laughed at some comment Duff said. "Go on stage and make a speech, man!" Slash suggested, pushing Axl's body toward the stage with a drunken force that sent him stumbling. For once, the redhead ignored the accidental aggression and continued his way to the platform, waving around his hands dismissively at his band, "Alright, alright. Cool it, ladies."

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