surfin' u.s.a

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you go to the beach with the boys.

word count:

surfin' u.s.a-the beach boys

"Oh, yeah, take it off!" Duff whooped, along with the rest of the band hollering. I rolled my eyes and stripped off my shirt, swinging it around in the air jokingly before tossing it onto the ground. "Your turn, big man." I patted Duff's chest, tugging his shirt lightly and gesturing that he needed to get rid of it. "Risky girl, eh?" he smirked, slipping his tank top off and throwing it with the rest of our clothes.

"C'mon, let's go!" Steven whined. "I'll beat you there." Slash nudged him before sprinting to the water. "Hey! No fair!" the drummer yelled, bolting after his friend. "Man I should've brought my board." Izzy shook his head. "You comin', Lilah?" Duff asked, walking backwards to the waves. "Uh.. I'll catch up." I lied.

As much as I didn't like the beach, I couldn't say no to the boys. Especially when Steven wouldn't let go of my leg when I said I didn't want to go. "Liar." he yelled as he jogged to Steven and Slash, who were wresting and trying to get each other under the water. I chuckled, shaking my head and taking a seat next to Izzy and Axl.

Axl had pulled out a book, reading it under his big umbrella while Izzy rummaged through a backpack. "What're you looking for?" I asked, laying out in the sun just outside of the shade that Axl's umbrella cast. "My shades, I know I brought them." he grumbled. "Take mine." I offered, folding up the sunglasses that sat on my head and handing them to him. "These are chick glasses." he stated, holding them like a pair of dirty socks. "Didn't you used to wear dresses in your old band?" I raised an eyebrow. "Fair enough."

"Lilah! Lilah, help!" Steven called, running past me and kicking sand into my face. I leaned onto my elbows and trying to get the sand out of my eyes while Steve continued to shriek. "C'mere, fucker!" Slash yelled after him, hot on his tail. I ignored them, finally clearing my vision of any dirt. Izzy and I watched Slash chase around Steven, eventually tripping and letting the drummer get away while laughing.

"Do you think sand gets stuck in his chest hair?" I mumbled to Izzy. He snorted, chuckling, "Probably. It's like pubes for the rest of his body." "Gross." I mumbled. "Come in the water, Lil! It's too hot to sit out here." Duff complained. "Yeah, tell me about it. You guys forced me here."

"Well, we weren't going to go without you. That would be boring," he shrugged, "C'mon, the water feels nice." "Nah, I'm alright." He shrugged, "Your loss." I turned around and was about to ask Izzy for a water bottle, but his gaze flickered to whatever was behind me. He smirked a bit and was about to point but I was snatched up before I could look. "Hey! Put me down, fucker!" I ordered, slapping Duff's back.

"No can do, babydoll. We're at the beach, you gotta get in!" he chuckled, securing his arm around my leg. "But Ax and Izzy won't get in! Why couldn't you grab them?" "Ew, no. Then I'd have their junk all up in my face." he winced. "And you'd rather have my junk all in your face?" I questioned. "By a landslide, babe. Plus, Axl thinks seaweed is the devil. He'll scream like a little girl if a piece touches him." I made a mental note of that.

"Duff, I'll get in 'till it touches my ankles. That's it." I sat my hands on my hips, staring up a him once he put me down. "Ankles?! That's like.. not that much! You might as well not get in at all!" he groaned. I shrugged, "That works too." He scoffed and took my hands in his, slowly moving deeper into the water. "Duff, no. You're gonna go too deep!" I whined. "It's fine, I won't go that far into the water. But, y'know what they say about bassists..."

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