(i. s.) could it be i'm falling in love

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emily x izzy

after so much time of being head-over-heels for each other, the boys finally decide to get emily and izzy together.

word count:

could it be i'm falling in love-the spinners

Two years.

Emily and Izzy had liked each other for two years, and made no progress. The rest of the band watched in painful agony while they continuously flirted back and forth.

Duff was deeply unamused with the way Izzy had his eyes trained on the girl that he had longed for so long as she laughed and giggled with their drummer, Steven. Izzy just couldn't help himself- her eyes glimmered every which way she'd look, her smile sending a warm flush through his core and a nervous sweat spiking at his palms with each glance she'd spare him.

"Go talk to her, man." Duff encouraged, nudging Izzy's limp shoulder as he regained his focus on his surroundings. "Yeah, I dunno. She's- y'know- busy." "With Steven?" the bassist said doubtfully, following Izzy's eyes to the pair seated comfortably across from them in Axl's apartment.

Surrounded by a sea of other, random bodies, Emily stood out like a diamond in dirt. The roaring party around them swayed and bounced with life, yet Izzy couldn't seem to care about anything else. "Yeah. I'll talk to her later. I'm sure she wants to enjoy the party." the introverted guitarist shrugged hopelessly and sunk back into the uncomfortable chair while sipping on his much-too-strong cup of bitter tequila.

"I can promise you she's not thinking about this party, dude." Izzy shrugged yet again at his band mate's words while swirling the troublesome liquid in his glass, attempting to focus on anything but the beauty in the bustling party. Duff groaned and defeatedly slouched himself back at his stubborn friend- Izzy never seemed to give into anything he didn't want to.

"Hey, man, what's got you all blue?" Slash's figure came looming over the boys, radiating the sickening scent of whiskey and burnt-out cigarettes. "Who d'ya think?" Duff jutted their attention over to Emily, who was now sipping from Axl's beer without him realizing while Steven bellowed with laughter behind them.

"Aw, her? Again, man? I'll tell ya, Iz, you two need to shack up already, your blue balls is killing my energy." Slash slurred. Izzy frowned and tugged his lip between his teeth, "It's not just about shacking up, Slash. You wouldn't get it."

The curly-maned guitarist rolled his eyes at his friend's bitterness. Izzy had always been known to grow quite protective when anyone talked about Emily, much less 'shacking up'- as Slash had put it. Duff hooked an arm around Izzy's awkward frame and tugged him close for a brotherly embrace, "You've gotta get in the ring, man. She's not gonna come to you if you act like a weird stalker all the time."

"I'm not a stalker." he mumbled back distastefully, trying his best to subtly escape from Duff's heavy-armed hug.


Both Izzy and Duff's eyes shot to Slash, who was waving over the beautiful girl. Duff stared patiently between the two, waiting for Izzy to launch a punch into Slash's nose. Instead, the rhythm guitarist only glared, one of the meanest Duff had ever seen.

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