(s.a.) over the hills and far away

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louise x steven

you go camping with the boys.

word count:

over the hills and far away-led zeppelin

"Help me!" Slash groaned to Duff while he hauled the large tents out of the car. "Okay, okay, Jesus." Duff grumbled, relieving Slash from the weight of two of the tents. "We barely have any time out here, it's nearly sunset!" Slash whined. "Well maybe if Steven didn't have to piss every 5 minutes, we would've gotten here earlier." Axl grumbled. "Not my fault." Steve shrugged.

"Hey, it's fine. Let's set up these tents and we'll go swimming or somethin'." I suggested, pulling the gear for a tent from it's bag. When Izzy saw me struggling to get it set up, he graciously took the task off of my hands and began putting it together himself. I smiled, "Thanks, Iz." He nodded, grunting while shoving the tent posts into the dirt. "Hey, what'cha doing?" Steven asked, resting his chin on his folded up knees next to Axl. "Trying to start a fire." Axl sighed and muttered obscenities under his breath when he couldn't get the flame to light.

"Oh... cool." Steve nodded, watching carefully as Axl trying to light the pile of twigs on fire. Steven would ask "Did it light?" every five minutes, pissing Axl off to no extent. Duff and Izzy set up all 3 tents, then gathering the rest of the band and surrounding around a fire that Axl had finally sparked. "Alright, s'mores time!" Steven yelled, bringing a grocery bag to the circle we had formed.

The lot of us huddled the now-lit and burning fire, sitting on the dirt because we hadn't thought to bring chairs. Everyone perked up at the mention of marshmallows, and were all anxiously waiting for our turn to melt ours on the skewers. "We should tell scary stories." Duff proposed. My eyes widened and bounced around to each member of the band frantically. I hated scary stories.

"That's a good idea." Steven nodded. "Yeah, let's do it." Izzy agreed. I was sat between him and the drummer, both eager to hear horrifying tales. I, on the other hand, wasn't. "Okay, I'll start," Slash announced, fixing his posture and clearing his throat. Keeping his voice low to add to the dramatic and eerie effect, he began, "In these here woods, there had been rumors of a murderer that lurked beyond the trees, but nobody had ever known for sure. Until, a group of friends ventured out to see for themselves..." "Oh, fuck." I mumbled, hugging my legs closer to myself.

"Are you scared?" Steven whispered to me, only low enough for me to hear. "Uh.. not really." I lied. "It's okay, I'm right here. Nobody's gonna get'cha. Not on my watch. Plus, Slash's stories suck." he assured with a sweet smile, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer to his chest. "It was a dark night, just like this one. The wind was howling through the tress and the only sound was crickets," Slash noticed how I was fearfully cowering into Steven, and quickly began to terrify me even more, "There was six people huddled around a campfire, all of them being in a band except one girl. Let's call her.. Leslie. Now, Leslie was very close with one of the friends named... Sebastian."

The boys began to snicker, seeing how I rolled my eyes and groaned. Even Steve chuckled a little. "Stop it." I mumbled. He settled down and rested his head on mine, "Okay, okay, sorry." "Leslie decided to go to the lake for a little swim.. alone. The rest of the friends thought she might have gone for a piss, so they didn't bother following her, even though Sebastian thought about it." Steven went red in the cheeks, chuckling awkwardly.

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