( i. s.) real love

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tobi x izzy

valentine's gig.

word count:

real love-the beatles

Izzy sat on the bed, contemplating whether or not he cared enough to check a clock and make sure he wasn't late to the show. He decided he didn't, and peered his gaze to the bathroom where a small peek of light was leaking out behind the closed door. His girlfriend, Tobi, was supposedly concocting an outfit for him to coordinate with hers for the Valentine's Day gig at the Roxy.

She finally emerged with a wickedly devious smirk on her face, both hands behind her back. Izzy couldn't help but mirror her smile with his own and a curious brow. "Ready?" she asked.

Without allowing him an answer, she began tossing hangers onto the spot beside him, various button ups and vests and jackets soaring by his face and just barely passing his hair. "This," she flattened her crimson silk skirt against her thighs, "Is what I'll be wearing." His opposing gaze sauntered across her frame and relished in the thin fabric covering her body. "Mhm." he hummed, reaching out his palms to rub the back of her legs and gently pull her closer to him. Mindlessly, she obeyed and was now stood directly in front of his sat figure with her standing between his parted knees. He rubbed his hands against the soft of the silk and rested his forehead on her stomach while listening to her speak. Her body was warm and a soft sweetness to her aroma surrounded her.

"..Not sure if silk or satin will be better. We'll try both. Probably black, too, now that I see it beside my skirt. Alright, this one first, Iz."

He was lost in her enchantment.

She, staring expectantly down at him with a certain comforting familiarity, was wearing a floor-length skirt with lace detailing and a black corset top. Black boots allowed an extra three inches to her height- though still shorter than Izzy- and lace accented every piece of her outfit. Being a designer in the fashion industry, she was always eager to dress up in her best (and especially her most eclectic, given the occasion) stylings. Even more so when it meant she could dress Izzy too.

"Lose the shirt, Stradlin." she said with a small smirk, beginning to lift the black t-shirt he was wearing from the bottom hem and over his arms. He finally stood slowly, allowing a tension to grow between them as she craned her view upward to meet his height. Now shirtless, his toned chest rose and fell rhythmically and steadily as he kept his eyes met with hers. He almost began to lean in but found a charming pleasure in watching her lips, and feeling her hot gaze on his own.

"Put this on and I'll finish getting ready." With that, she placed a delicate hand on his collarbone that sent a shock through his core. She left back to the bathroom and he did as she asked.

By the time she returned, Izzy was wearing the dark red shirt she had picked along with the black jeans and black boots. He fastened his belt as she walked out and up to his figure, tracing each detail of his outfit and studying her choices. Her hands began unbuttoning his shirt neatly down to his belly button. Her soft breath was nearly unnoticeable on his torso, but he himself couldn't ignore the feeling of it. She dragged the tip of her thumb down the center of his chest and cocked her head. "Better."

He touched the curve of her jaw and tilted his head in preparation to kiss her. Just before he leaned in, she placed a finger on his lips. "One more thing... I promise." she added once seeing the humorously deadpan expression on his face. He sat down defeatedly onto the bed, returning to where he started.

Rustling through a small bag nearby then pulling a small tube of dark lipstick out, she found a mirror and applied it carefully to her lips. She bent closer to the glass to focus, yet Izzy could only find himself staring at her ass, which was exposing a thin lace G-string from under the hem of her skirt. He knew she only wore those when she wanted him to play with her on their outing ("easy access", she called it). Izzy thought about the ways he could have her squirming in her seat throughout the night.

She turned around and walked slowly to him. His legs were yet again spread to allow her to stand between them, where she pushed him to lay down on the bed. Her hands pulled apart each curtain of his shirt to reveal the expanse of his chest as she situated herself to straddle his waist. Her left came up to caress up his neck and tilt his head back. She slowly, tauntingly, brought her lips to the front of his throat and kissed gently, enough to print her mark onto his skin. As she bent down, she gently sank her hips closer to his and found a feeling of temptation.

She reapplied the color, holding his neck exposed and the other hand on his wrist against the bed to keep him in position. Izzy, while uncomfortable with the growing tent beneath his zipper, was suffering with eagerness to devour her. The show was growing less and less important in his mind. Fuck the gig, fuck the band- fuck his career for all he cared- whatever it took to just fuck her.

She left four more marks trailing across his chest and under his shirt, cheekily kissing his nipple which she knew he had a thing for (and was too embarrassed to admit it).

Finally, she sat up while still on his lap and smiled. "Are you satisfied?" he asked with huffing breaths, almost exhausted from her enjoyment of the teasing. His palms grabbed the flesh of her hips and squeezed, pushing himself against her further to offer some form of release to his sick needs. To no avail.

"I'm not sure," a glint of mischief in the reflection of light swimming in her eyes, "I almost want you to beg now."

Izzy almost choked but settled for an exasperated scoff instead. "You love to tempt the beast, don't you?"

She laughed at his reaction and a thrill went through her stomach at the thought of what he could- and probably wanted to- do to her. She placed both palms on his chest and leaned in close to his ear- close enough for a small smudge of dark red to be left on the soft of his ear. He thought he could almost hear her devilish smirk in the tone of her velvet voice, "I love it even more when the beast bites."

Something snapped inside of him and he could no longer contain his lust for her. Swiftly, he flipped them so he was on top. He noticed that she tended to strip him of what dominance he bore- especially in intimate moments, much less anywhere else- and it was both incredibly enthralling and also very excruciating. After being so tortured with her teasing and finally regaining control, Izzy felt not only tempted, but completely devoted to ravaging her.

He began bruising her neck with hickeys and down her chest between the valley of her breasts where her corset allowed. In the back of his mind, he believed she may not be pleased with how the purple bruises looked with her outfit. With this thought, he moved to her lips and instead busied his hands with exploring her skin.

The show he was supposed to be playing- which was expected to start as of 17 minutes ago, now- had become nothing but an inconvenience to him at this point.

His priority had become finding friction with his hips against hers and finding her most sensitive spots between her legs. She laughed- partly from a rush of thrill and lust and perhaps partially from his desperation, as well- between their kisses. "Izzy," she mumbled, muffled with hips lips, "Izzy."

He hardly hummed, murmuring a nearly absent "What." as he continued.

"Iz," she said again, "We should leave for the show soon."


He didn't stop, only turning his actions slightly more mild with a more calculated touch. Finally, after hesitating and deciding she did eventually want to see him play tonight, she took his face in both of her hands and covered his lips with her thumbs.

"I think we're ready for tonight, lover."

! r. speaks!
this... was supposed to be for v-day. yeah anyway i missed the deadline sorry. more izzy (not sorry) and hopefully u guys picked up on the heat and intimacy here (kinda dirty, right, lol). dunno if my writing did it justice. k bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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