(a.r.) we just disagree

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caris x axl

axl gets caught red-handed, the situation turns into something that you've grown to be accustomed to.

word count:

we just disagree-dave mason

"Cool down, would you?" Slash grumbled against the rim of the Jack Bottle before taking a swig. "You don't understand. He promised." I whispered to no one in particular. After Axl had been seen on the cover of Circus Magazine, the image wouldn't free itself from my head. His fingers wrapped around her wrist and her ducking away from the flashes of the cameras around them and into his arms.

"It's not a big deal, Caris, he was just-" "I really don't need your explanation, Slash. I'm sorry, but I can't do this right now." "Do what?" he asked. "This! The whole 'we're going to pretend like my boyfriend isn't cheating on me' thing! It's ridiculous!" My voice cracked and I began to feel the familiar sensation of the salty tears threatening to break through my clenched eyes.

"He wasn't! He-" I shook my head before he could even spit out the lie, "He's your bandmate, you're supposed to say that." "Come on, you're over thinking it." he shrugged, taking a bigger chug from the whiskey he was desperately gripping onto. "Slash, please don't. Please."

With that, I sulked out of his hotel room and made my way to Axl and I's shared one. Softly closing the door behind me and sitting on the bed, I stared down at the crumpled sheets. Maybe he'd slept with her in our very own bed. A shaky breath slipped past my lips, a tear dripping onto the wrinkled white bedding. I looked to the clock, which read '1:37 A.M.'

Maybe he's fucking her right now. I choked out a sob and brought my hand to clasp over my quivering lips. Reluctantly taking the infamous magazine from its sprawled position on the night stand, I gazed over the front page I had looked at a million times since getting it that morning. My shaky fingers traced over the inked-on words. It seemed like they were screaming at me what I didn't want to accept.

'Guns N' Roses singer Axl Rose seen with supermodel Stephanie Seymour? See page 27 for juicy details!'

I bit my lip in a pathetic attempt to get the tears to stop. That's all it was. That's all I was. Pathetic. Flipping to page 27, just as they requested, I began skidding over the page's taunting words.

'Cheating?... New girlfriend... Relationship... Not the first time... Leaving a club... Seen together... Again...'

I squeezed my eyes shut, tears dripping down my flushed cheeks. The magazine was new, only released this morning to the press stands, but the situation wasn't. Axl had pulled this same stunt a few times, but I guess I had assumed that by taking me on tour, it was a different situation.

A different kind of relationship.

I flinched as the door swung open, but my eyes were still closed. I didn't want to see his face. "Oh, I didn't know you'd be here." He sounded disappointed to see me. Anxiously chewing on my lip, I clenched my jaw. "What's wrong?" His fingers brushed against my chin and brought my eyes up to meet his own. "What's wrong, Caris?" he repeated.

I shifted out of his hold and stared down at the magazine, flipped open to the page that his face was plastered on alongside the gorgeous woman. The woman that wasn't me. "W- Oh... You know how the press is, babe, they'll say anything for a good headline." he shrugged, tossing the magazine to the floor. Where the page once laid was now a blank indent in the sheets. I blinked out a few tears and took an unsteady breath in.

"Are you seriously mad about that? Caris, it's fake." My head shot to face him, a new rage bubbling in my heart, "The headline or the photo?!" "Woah, cool it, would you-" "That's exactly what Slash said, and I'm not going to fucking hear it anymore!" I snapped.

"I said calm down! The photo doesn't mean anything, alright?! We were at a club getting drinks, I was with the rest of the band!" I flinched at his tone, which was getting louder with each word. What he didn't know was that Duff and Steven had told me they were going out without Axl, and Slash was in his room. He wasn't with the band, he was lying.

"That's.. That's bullshit. You fucking know it." He scoffed and rolled his eyes, running a finger through his tussled strawberry blond locks. Maybe she was the one with her hands in his hair.

At the thought, my lip began to tremble again, and the lump in my throat returned. "Look, I'm sorry, alright?" he sighed, moving closer to me and reaching out for my hand. With a blank face and tears trickling from my eyes, I breathed, "Stop, Axl." Taking my hand in his, he began rubbing small circles onto my hand with his thumb. His hands were touching her.

I couldn't help the sob that I whimpered out, more tears polluting my vision. "Don't cry, I said I'm sorry." he mumbled. I shook my head and dropped my hands from his, "When will you realize your sorries don't mean anything anymore?" "Y'know what? Fine. I tried, Caris, I did. But this.. I can't do it anymore."

"Oh you can't take this?! You've cheated on me twice already! I can't even believe I'm still with you!" I pushed my hands against his chest, but he didn't move. "Then leave!" he yelled. "Maybe I will! Maybe I should find someone else, like you did! Maybe I'll go fuck Slash or Steven! Maybe I'll fuck Izzy and Duff! Fuck 'em real good just like you did to Stephanie!-"

A stinging pain erupted across the surface of my cheek. His hand dropped limply and he regained his uneven breaths. Tears welled up, brimming my eyes yet again, while I stared at him. He did nothing but stare back. "Why would you do that?" I whimpered, holding my cold fingers against the hot skin of my face. "I-I'm sorry." he shook his head like he couldn't believe what he did. Like he couldn't believe he hit me. Again.

"Axl.." I breathed. "Caris, I'm so sorry, baby." He quickly embraced my small frame in his, shaking his head, "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Caris, I'm sorry, honey." Sobs shook my ribs while I cried into his thin shirt. In the end, I was in his arms and he was apologizing, just like always.

Then again, he could've hit me harder and I still would've stayed.


!! r. speaks:
i'm in no way glorifying abuse (of domestic, sexual, or any kind) and if you're in an unsafe situation, please seek help. i hope you've enjoyed so far, and don't forget to comment and vote and all that jazz :) okay i'm out, peace

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