(i.s.) ten seconds to love

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brooks x jeff

while sneaking around in school with jeff, you get a little too close to getting caught.

word count:

ten seconds to love-mötley crüe

"Jeff, the bell is about to ring." I huffed between our lips smacking against one another. "Mhm." he mumbled, peppering kisses along the surface of my jaw and trailing down my neck. "If Will or Jackie catches us, we're both dead." As much as I wanted to continue making out with him in the girl's bathroom before lunch, we'd both be in trouble if we were caught.

"I couldn't care less." he whispered into my ear. His breath fanned across my cheek and sent a shiver down my spine, causing me to arch my back and press myself even closer to his own lanky body. "J-Jeff." I whimpered. "Brooks." he mumbled back, wrapping his fingers around my hips. I seemed to sink even deeper into the surface behind me, though I was already sandwiched between himself and the stall door.

The tiled walls echoed our heavy, in-synch breathing while he gripped onto my thighs. Snapping my eyes open at the obnoxious and horribly-timed bell, I sighed, "We gotta go before someone comes in here. You're gonna get detention again if you get caught in the girl's bathroom another time."

He frowned, "You don't think I could pass as a girl? I mean- C'mon, the hair sells it, huh?" He flipped his hair into his eyes, covering up his face and twirling a strand around his finger jokingly. "Jeff, come on, stop it. I can't afford another detention, my mom will kill me." Though I was trying to get my point across with a concerned expression, I couldn't help the giggle that slipped past my lips.

"Okay, okay. Let's go." he surrendered, sliding the lock from its place and swinging open the stall door. I hesitantly looked around as he casually waltzed out behind me. "Jeff! Stop, I need to check if there's someone in here-"

"Excuse me? What are you two doing?" My eyes widened, as did Jeff's, at the all-too-familiar sound of jingling keys and high heels against the tiles while it rang in the quiet bathroom. He slipped out the door, tugging me behind him. "I told you!" I hissed as we rushed to lunch.

We eventually trudged to our table, where Jackie, Will, and Toby were already sitting. "Why are you out of breath?" Will asked, squinting slightly as Jeff and I made ourselves comfortable. "Teachers." Jeff answered simply, which seemed to satisfy Will enough. He knew that struggle quite well.

"Brooks, your gloss is all smudged." Jackie grimaced, motioning to the area around her own mouth for reference. "Yeah, I- uh, just ate." I stuttered out, mentally slapping myself immediately after. That was the best I could come up with?! Jackie frowned, "But we're at lunch right now-"

"What's on your neck? Is that a hickey?-" Will reached over the table and began poking at the bruised skin on my neck. "No- Don't touch it!" I warned, slapping his prodding finger. He flinched away, but kept his eyebrows furrowed. "I-It's a burn, from my iron. It's fresh, so it hurts." I huffed, flipping my hair over my shoulder so it could cover the marked skin.

Thankfully, they suppressed any other questions for me and continued on with their previous conversion, talking about how Will would try and claim a new senior-class girl. I flickered my eyes over to the side at Jeff, who was smirking down at his un-eaten sandwich, his face covered by his chestnut hair.

I bit my lip, trying to refrain the tugging grin that was itching at me and lowered my head as well. Jeff nudged my knee with his own, sending a small jolt up my body. I shifted my body a small inch closer to him, just enough so our legs were flush against each others'.

"Why are you guys being weird today?" Toby asked through a mouthful of fruit, pointing his plastic fork at Jeffrey and I. "Hm?" I returned. "I mean, you guys come in at the same time- our of breath, may I add- and now you guys haven't spoken one word! Somethin's fishy."

Jeff shrugged and flipped his hair out of his eyes, "I just don't happen to care whether Will gets this girl or not. She's got a boyfriend, y'know." At that, Will's eyebrows furrowed, "Huh?! Says who?" "Heard it around the grapevine." Jeff responded. "Fuck the grapevine. She's gonna be mine." Will huffed. Jeff's eyes passed to my own for a half second and he muttered under his breath.

"Yeah, she will be mine."


!! r. speaks:
i feel like emojis kinda throw off the vibe of wattpad as a whole but.. 😏. enjoy and comment!! peace!!

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