(s.a.) what i like about you

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angel x steven

your boyfriend and duff comes home from a long night of drinking.

word count:

what i like about you-the romantics

My head snapped to the door as a knock erupted onto the wood. Pulling myself up from the sofa, the knocking became louder and constant. "I'm coming!" I called, slipping on a shirt that was hanging on a nearby chair. Wearing no clothes was almost a necessity when I was home alone, but I was expecting them to show up sooner or later. I wasn't surprised to swing open the door and see Duff towering at the door, Steven and him leaning on each other drunkenly.

"Hi-ya, Angel." Duff smiled lazily, waltzing into the house and dragging the drummer along. "You can crash in the guest room upstairs, Duff." I nodded to the stairs. He quickly complied, passing the other blond to me and stumbling to sleep. He thumped up the stairs and called to us, "Goodnight, lovebirds!" "Hey there, sweetheart." Steven mumbled into my ear, kissing on my skin softly.

"Hi, Stevie." I chuckled, hauling him to the large couch and slumping his body down onto it. He sprawled out his legs whole his body stretched across the sofa. Just before I could walk away to grab him a glass of water and painkillers for tomorrow, he latched onto my wrist. "No, don't go, baby." he whimpered. "I'm just going to go get you some water, honey. I'll be back." I assured. Pouting at me with those lips I loved so much, he stared with big eyes, "No, sugar. Stay here with me."

I couldn't resist him. Seeing that I finally gave in, he brought me onto his lap and had me straddle him. "You're not even wearing pants? God, woman, what are you doing to me?!" he threw his head back and whined with closed eyes. "You're way too drunk." I chuckled. "And you're way too perfect. Y'know, you're name's very fitting." he nodded, eyes still shut and facing the ceiling. His hands found their way to mine, rubbing his thumb along my fingers softly.

"Yeah? How so?" I smirked, though he couldn't see me. "'Cause you're like... an angel! Your face is so pretty and your body.. man, it's just.. wow! And you? You, babycakes, are the most wonderful-est girl I've ever laid my dumb, stupid eyes on. You're just, so fuckin' pretty and perfect!" My cheeks were filled with a blush in an instant, my face growing hot and stomach swarming with butterflies, "Oh, stop it."

"No, no, really! Really! Like, God, babe. You're just.. oh wow. I don't even think I know the right words to describe how incredibly amazing you are. Your smile, is just... perfect. I didn't even think people could have such a perfect smile until I saw yours. And your eyes?! Holy fuck! When you're in the sun, the brown turns into like- a honey color? Or- Or like caramel! See, even your eyes are sweet!

"And your cute little nose! Aw, your nose! And how you smile all big when I say stuff like this, even when I compliment your outfit. I bet you're smiling like crazy right now-" He opened his eyes and craned his neck forward, looking at me. Sure enough, I was grinning like a complete idiot. Following my action, a perfect smile spread across his cheeks and he shook his head, "I knew it. Man, I could stare at you all day. And your tits are- like- amazing!

"They're all great and everything, it's fuckin' fantastic! And your skin is so soft. It's like velvet, oh my God. Man, you make me crazy." he sighed, throwing his head back to stare at the ceiling again, "You make me fuckin' crazy."

"You're crazy." I bit my lip so any giggles wouldn't slip. I couldn't help myself, he was intoxicating. "Honeybuns, I'm insane. Only for you, though." This time, I laughed. When he was drunk, more specifically wasted, he always used stupid pet names. Prime example: honeybuns. "Anyway, enough about you. What do you love about me." he joked, batting his eyelashes and pouting his lips dramatically.

"We don't have nearly enough time for that. There's not enough time in the world, Stevie. But if I had to flatter you, I'd start with those lips. I'm lucky you don't go around kissing a bunch-a girls. It baffles me how they resist you." I leaned in and took his cheeks in my hands, moving my lips in sync with his own. Tasting whiskey on his tongue, I smiled. He always managed to make me do that.

"And your pretty eyes. Your fluffy hair. Your smile is-" Just before I could begin rambling about how perfect he was, he interrupted, "And my chest? I know you just love my hairy chest." I scoffed at his sarcastic words; He knew I thought his chest was like a grizzly bear's, but he could make anything look good. "Sure, Stevie. Your chest, too." He hummed contently, closing his eyes and rested his hands on my hips.

"You're like a teddy bear. All sweet and cuddly and fluffy. When you're playing on stage, you look like a total babe," I laced my fingers into his hair, twisting and tugging gently, getting soft groan from him every time, "There's not one thing about you I don't like, babe." He took a deep breath, I could tell he was getting sleepy. "Mhm?" he mumbled, rubbing his thumbs slowly on my skin. "Mhm," I assured, my voice low and soft, "You're perfect, Stevie."

"I love you so much, boobear." he mumbled, smiling softly and shifting down a little. The dim lighting of the room was enough to send him into a dreamy haze, on the verge of slumber. "I love you too, Stevie." With another pleased purr, he drifted off. I kissed his cheek and adjusted myself onto his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.

The heartbeat I was so used to.


!! r. speaks:
woahhh... more steven?! course! he deserves justice after being kicked from the band and through his rehab trips (i'm ready to argue about this) so here's another. comment, save, blah blah fuckin' blah. more members to come, so stay tuned!! peace!

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