when i come around

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you and the boys walk into duff's shared apartment- uninvited- for something to do. that thing may just be a juicy game of truth or dare.

word count:

when i come around-green day


"Hello, people who don't live here." Duff said, his eyes following each of us as the rest of his band members and I waltzed into his house without a second thought. His eyebrows furrowed while he watched from the kitchen. "Hey, there, Duffle Bag," I smiled, slouching onto the couch next to his girlfriend, who he lived with, "And hello to you, Mandy." "Hey, Steph." she laughed.

"What're we watchin'?" Steven asked, making himself comfortable on the floor next to my feet. "The Golden Girls." Mandy said, tucking her legs under her as she grew invested with the show. Axl sent Duff a weird look, mouthing 'Seriously?' "Hey, it's a good show!- Wait, what are you guys even doing here? I gave you a spare key for emergencies."

"Yeah, we ran out of booze." Slash shrugged, watching the show as well. "Not cool, man! Mandy and I could've been having sex or something!" Mandy went red in the cheeks at the mention of that, dropping her head and biting back a timid smile. "Even better." Izzy mumbled cheekily. "Well, now that we're here, we should do something." I suggested.

"Actually, I agree." Duff nodded. "What'cha got in mind?" Steven asked. "You guys getting out." We all bellowed out in laughter. "You're so funny." Slash chuckled. Duff frowned "I- I wasn't jokin-" "I think we should play never have I ever, or like.. truth or dare." Axl interrupted. We all muttered some sort of agreement, looking to Mandy and Duff.

"Yeah, sure!" she said. Duff frowned, "Mandy!" "Stop being mean, Michael. They're your friends." she scolded, soon returning back to us with a sweet grin. "Yeah, Michael." Slash mocked with a cheeky grin, followed by a giggle. Duff grumbled, walking over to the couch and nudging Izzy away from his girlfriend, "Yeah, whatever."

"Never have I ever or truth or dare?" I asked the group as we all huddled into a makeshift circle. We all agreed on truth or dare, and it was Izzy's turn to start. "Mm, Duff. Truth or dare?" "Truth." Axl snickered at the answer, "Pussy." Izzy ignored Axl's comment and continued, "What's the worst decision you've made while drunk?" Duff scoffed, smirking, "I don't mean to brag, but I don't need to be drunk to make bad decisions."

"But if you had to choose." Izzy said. "If I had to choose?" Duff echoed, "Maybe it'd be when I fell off of that balcony at the hotel in Cleveland." We bellowed out in obnoxious laughter, howling as we all remembered the scene. "You what?!" Mandy giggled. "He totally got laid out by a balcony!" Steven yodeled though his chortles.

"I didn't know the railing was that short!" Duff laughed. "It was like four feet tall, dude!" Axl clutched his stomach while he gasped for his breath. "I'm a big man!" Duff smirked crookedly. After a few more breathless moments, we all regained our composure. "Okay, okay. Mandy, you're next." I said.

"Okay," she started, nibbling her bottom lip softly while he gaze eventually fell onto her boyfriend beside her, "Duffy.." "Oh, no." he groaned, throwing his head back. "How many girls have you slept with in one night? The most." Staring at the ceiling as if it were going to give him a reasonable answer, Duff sighed, "Uh.. my honest answer?"

"Always." she nodded. We all held our breath as he leaned back up and scratched his neck awkwardly, "I don't really know.. I can't remember, at least. That I know of... probably around 6 or 7. Individually. Orgies are a different conversation." Steven slapped his hand over his mouth in shock at the fact that his band mate actually admitted it.. to his girlfriend!

Axl watched the pair with a smirk plastered obnoxiously on his lips and Izzy did the same, without the grin. Slash and I went slack-jawed, just as shocked as everyone else and waiting to see how Mandy would react. "Really?" she scoffed in disbelief, "I never thought you'd even get that many girls." Again, without missing a beat, we all burst out into laughter. "She got you, man!" Steven howled.

"Even your own girlfriend says you don't get pussy!" Axl added between his bellowing giggles. "Hey, shut up, guys!" Duff pouted. I was just shocked Mandy had even been so cool about it, she was just laughing along with us. "Alright, okay, let's settle. Don't wanna hurt Duffy's ego too much, huh?" Mandy teased. The bassist continued to frown, furrowing his eyebrows at the sudden alliance that we had formed against him.

"I'm kidding, baby." she assured, patting his cheek lightly and kissing his lips. "Alright, I'm next!" Steven announced, straightening his posture. "Who's it gonna be, Steve-O?" Izzy asked, following Steven's eyes as he looked to each person.

"Hm.." He pouted his lips while squinting his bright blue eyes at each member of the group. "Steph!" I shifted my gaze to him, waiting for the proposal I knew was to come. His eyes glimmer in amusement while a cheeky grin spread across his lips, "Truth or dare?" "Uh.. truth?" Axl scoffed again, "Luh-oo-zer!"

"Okay, fine! Dare." I chuckled, jokingly rolling my eyes at Axl's comment. "Hey, you've got more balls than Duff, over here." Slash giggled. "Shut up, shut up, I'm trying to think!" Steven hushed the group, squeezing his eyes shut and causing the group to fall deathly silent. Slash's eyebrow quirked before he slowly leaned into Steven's ear, whispering something.

Steve's eyes shot open and he smiled wickedly, "Oh, that's a good one, Slasher." I flickered my gaze between the two men and bit my lip with anticipation. Slash's eyes caught my own and he sent me a wink. Trying to hide my flushing cheeks, Steven finally announced the dare.

"I dare you... to give Slash a blowie."


!! r. speaks:
not gonna lie.. i chuckled a few times during this one. make sure to comment, vote, blah blah fucking blah. tell me if you guys enjoyed, and send requests so i know what you want to read!! enjoy!

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