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the next weekend, shuhua quickly finished her job and walked towards the serving area, the girl was about to ask sofia to eat with her during their lunch break. " sure! let's grab something tasty together. " sofia was about to leave but a pair of hands suddenly stopped her from getting up the chair.

" excuse me? " she turned around to find johnny with his most sweetest smile with his hands were still holding onto her shoulders, trying to keep her still.

both sofia and shuhua was startled to hear their boss unexpected statement, " from now on, sofia would spend her lunch break with me. "

" every day? " shuhua said with a doubtful look.

" what? you have a problem with that? " johnny glared and shuhua quickly waved her hand, " ahahaha of course not... well i guess i'll see you around sofia, good luck. " shuhua worriedly laughed and quickly left to a near mini market.

sofia pouted at her boss, asking why on earth he wanted to do that. " why? are you nervous around me? " johnny smiled mischievously and the girl become flustered. " just forget everything i said. " she was about to leave when johnny suddenly grabbed her elbow.

" come one, we have to feed mei. "

after that, they went to the back area where mei was located. sofia was feeding mei constantly but johnny didn't seem to do anything. he just stood there, watching the girl as if he was lost in his own mind. " must be great to stand still and do nothing. " she sarcastically diss johnny, forgetting that the man was still her boss.

johnny crossed his arms in front of his chest, " minus ten points for whining. "

for a moment sofia was stoned and said sorry in her most annoying sound. little did she know that johnny found it amusing to tease her.

" johnny-nim, why don't you come over here and feed her with me? " sofia didn't even flinch, her pupils were only reflecting the cute turkish angora. " why should i? i already have you to do it, right? " johnny answered.

the girl who wasn't happy with his answer, was squinting her eyes, " just come here fast ! " she grunted and for no reason, johnny decided to tag along.

as soon as johnny approached the cage, the cat ran back into her wooden playground, " see? she doesn't like me. " he sighed. " mei... come here, everything is going to be fine. mr.johnny won't hurt you because mama is here, meow? " sofia called for mei and with the help of her favorite stick and snack as a cat bribery, the fluffy white cat ran back to her mom and bit the scrumptious treats from her hand.

" try caressing her head now, " said sofia to her boss. " no. i'm afraid she will bite me. " johnny's stuttering words had made sofia laughed.

" you're this big yet you're afraid of getting bite by a cat? " she scoffed.

" well, she has fangs! and i don't. "

johnny kept on hesitating but thanks to the girl's force, he ended up stroking mei's head. the female cat purred and was getting used to johnny's touch while the man seemed to enjoy his very first pleasant interaction with the cat.

" see? she likes you! " sofia cheered and clapped both of her hands.

" and how do you know that? "

sofia ignored her boss' question and gave him some cat treats instead.

" i can't believe i'm being ignored by my own employee. " johnny scoffed as he slowly reached his hands towards mei. he could feel the cat softly licked his fingers while eating the treat.

" hey it tickles- "

johnny found himself giggling as he felt a small amount of tickling sensation from his fingers. " tsk, look at papa johnny, he's really annoying isn't he? " said sofia while she played with mei's left ear.

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