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sofia took the ukulele and was about to open the door before going outside. suddenly, she faced eye to eye, genuinely surprised to meet yangyang wanted to come inside the cafe.

" sofia! i can't believe it's you! " yangyang exclaimed as his eyes widened. " what are you doing? " the girl replied with the same excitement.

" buying bubble tea, duh. " yangyang rolled his eyes to tease sofia and the girl laughed. " well, see you later then. "

" wait! " sofia was about to leave when yangyang grabbed her hand, the boy was flustered and immediately let go of her hand as soon as he realized. " do you want to hang out for a bit? " he asked.

" sure, but buy me some cinnamon bun! " she said, trying to contain her excitement.

yangyang couldn't believe his ears. he had never thought that he would ever get to spend time with sofia again, let alone just bump into her on the street.

after getting the order, the two of them walked down the street together, catching up on tasks and talking about everything under the sun. they talked about their childhood memories, sofia's college life, yangyang's new hobbies, and everything in between.

as the time passed to the afternoon, yangyang suggested that they take a walk through the park. they walked down the streets, stopping to take pictures and admire the scenery. they also talked about everything from their dreams and aspirations to their fears and doubts before finally reaching the park.

when they walked through the park, yangyang kept fidgeting with his shirt and adjusting his hair. sofia noticed his nervousness and asked him if everything was okay. but the boy replied, " huh? everything is fine, nothing wrong, hehe. "

sofia smiled at yangyang's gesture and held his hand, the boy was very much pleased and it felt like his heart was about to burst. when yangyang held hands with sofia, he became visibly nervous. his hands trembled slightly as he intertwined his fingers with hers, and his palms grew sweaty. his heart raced in his chest as he tried to calm himself down.

he kept stealing glances at her, hoping she didn't notice his nervousness. the boy tried to focus on the warmth of her hand in his, the softness of her skin against his own, and the scent of her perfume that filled his nostrils. despite his nerves, he felt a sense of contentment and joy wash over him. holding hands with his crush felt like a dream come true, and he wanted the moment to last forever.

" are you okay? you seemed puzzled? " sofia who noticed her friend sudden change of behavior decided to ask.

yangyang felt like he was on top of the world, even though he was also terrified of saying or doing something wrong. every time he looked at her, he felt a flutter in his stomach, and he had to fight the urge to laugh or cry from the intensity of his emotions. he wanted to express how he felt, but his nerves prevented him from doing so.

" everything is fine! i— i'm just nervous. because i'm alone with you... it's like a date. " yangyang stumbled upon his words but still able to show a sweet smile.

despite his nervousness, he held onto her hand tightly, not wanting to let go. he felt a sense of comfort and security with her, and he knew he wanted to hold her hand for as long as possible. in that moment, he realized that his nerves were a sign of how much he cared for her.

" that's cute! " when she leaned her head on his shoulder, he felt a sense of relief and happiness that the girl was pleased to have his company. yangyang knew that he wanted to be with her, no matter how nervous he felt.

then they found a cozy spot under a tree, and yangyang took out sofia's cinnamon bun he bought earlier at the cafe, " i thought you didn't buy one for me! " sofia grinned, she was impressed with yangyang's efforts and thanked him.

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