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the next day, sofia stepped out of her last class after a grueling day of college lectures and assignments, ready to head back home and relax. as she walked towards the exit gate, she saw a familiar face standing near the doorway, and her heart skipped a beat. it was jaehyun.

her ex-fiance stood there with his hands in his pockets, looking nervous and uncertain. sofia couldn't believe that he was here, right in front of her, after all that had happened between them.

sofia's first instinct was to turn around and walk away, but something held her back. she knew she had to face him at some point and running away would only delay, not solving her problem. she took a deep breath and approached him.

" sofia, " jaehyun replied, his eyes meeting hers.

the silence between them was deafening, and sofia felt like she was back to the day of their fight. but this time, she was determined not to let things spiral out of control.

" i didn't expect to see you here, " sofia said, trying to break the tension.

" sofia, i need to talk to you," jaehyun said, his voice hesitant.

sofia's heart sank. she didn't know if she was ready to talk to him, but she also didn't want to be rude and created more problem for her family. " what about? " she asked, trying to sound casual.

" i just wanted to apologize. i know i hurt your feeling and i just want to make things right, " jaehyun said, his eyes sincere.

sofia felt a lump in her throat. she wasn't expecting him to apologize, especially after what he had done at the cafe. the girl just didn't know how to react.

" i know what i've said was unforgivable, " he opened up. " even when i tried to cancel our wedding, i kept thinking about it a lot as i just can't erase you from my mind. i know i want to be with you, " he explained.

" and for the first time in my life, i feel afraid. i'm afraid of losing you, sofia. " jaehyun said, his eyes pleading and the thought of never seeing sofia again made his heart ache in pain.

despite his aloof demeanor, jaehyun had been struggling for days to forget about sofia, whom he had been deeply in love with. he had tried everything to move on, from keeping busy with work to going out with friends and even going out with other woman as he used to before meeting the girl.

he had even tried to convince himself that he was better off without her, reminding himself of all the reasons why their relationship had failed. but no matter what he did, he couldn't shake the feeling of missing her. the man would often find himself lost in thought, reminiscing about the happy times they had shared together, how sofia had created something different in his life and wondering what could have been different if he had not been a jerk that day.

jaehyun tried to keep busy, distracting himself with work and hobbies, but he couldn't escape the memories that kept flooding his mind. he missed her laugh, her touch, and the way she made him feel whenever they're together.

despite his best efforts, he knew deep down that he still loved her and that he would do anything to have her back in his life. but for now, all he could do was try to apologize and hope that sofia would accept him back.

on the other hand, the girl listened to him, feeling torn. part of her was happy that he had changed his mind, but another part of her was hurt that he had put her through so much stress and uncertainty.

" i need some time to think, " sofia said, her voice trembling.

jaehyun nodded, looking defeated. sofia could see the pain in his eyes, and it made her heart ache.

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