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the entire series of elections had been completed and the event team decided to throw an afterparty to appreciate the team's performance. sofia as a part of the event team was also invited by jungwoo, " don't forget to come okay! " the older smiled as he gave the girl an envelope of invitation. the party was held to celebrate their project being finished.

at first, sofia was reluctant, thinking that it would just be another night of loud music and drinking. however, despite her reservations, sofia decided to accept the offer. she thought that maybe it would be a good opportunity to enjoy her time with the team before they separated way.

on the day of the party, sofia put on her favorite dress and made her way to the venue. when she arrived, she was surprised to see how beautifully the place was decorated. there were balloons, streamers, and colorful lights everywhere. it was clear that jungwoo had put in a lot of effort to make the party a success.

as the night progressed, the girl found herself having a great time. she spent most of her time talking to jeno and got to know the other better. there wasn't that much of attendees since it was jungwoo's private party for the division he led.

" i can't believe it's been months until we finished arranging the whole event. " jeno realized that they were all really passionate about their project and had worked hard to get it done on time. he felt proud to be a part of the team.

the party continued well into the night, with everyone dancing and laughing. the girl felt free and carefree for the first time in a while; she realized that sometimes, it was important to take a break from study and enjoy life. she realized that she was grateful for the opportunity to celebrate their project's completion with the other committee.

" come here! "

jungwoo invited sofia to sit next to him. the group had gathered in a circle on the floor to play truth or dare. sofia hesitated to join in at first, but ten keep on insisting her. the girl was excited for a chance to let loose and have some fun.

" ready? " jungwoo said before he spun an empty beer bottle to decide who would go first.

the bottle landed on a young woman named tzuyu, who chose "truth" when it was her turn. the group immediately began to brainstorm questions, trying to come up with something juicy. finally, someone asked, " what's the craziest thing you've ever done at a party? "

tzuyu blushed but smiled, feeling a little daring. " i once kissed a stranger on a dare, " she confessed, making everyone cheered and laughed.

the game continued, and it became increasingly wild and risqué. a senior had to do a lap around the dorm three times without using his shirt, while ten had to call his ex and confess his undying love. ten's face turned pale and he hesitated for a moment. he had been hoping to avoid any awkwardness with his ex, but he knew he couldn't back out after choosing dare.

with a trembling hand, ten pulled out his phone and dialed his ex's number. " oh god, let's just hope he's already asleep. " the phone rang several times before ten's ex boyfriend picked up. " ooh, it's going to be juicy! " jeno whispered to sofia and the girl chuckled.

" hey ten," the man said, sounding a little surprised. " what's up? " the others were trying their best to not laugh because ten put the phone call on speaker mode.

ten took a deep breath and began to speak. " hey, I know it's been a while, but i just wanted to tell you that i still love you. i can't stop thinking about you, and i want to try again. " ten was cursing inside as he finished his sentence.

his ex was silent for a moment, and ten began to panic. what if he hung up on him? or what if he laughed in his face but then, he suddenly heard laughter in the background. " oh come on ten, like i'm gonna believe you for saying that! "

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