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still in the same cozy little cafe nestled in the heart of the city, johnny was becoming more reserved day by day. johnny wasn't known for his gruff and distant demeanor, he used to be sweet. and despite his tough exterior, he was actually a kind-hearted person. shuhua often found him difficult to work with these days, but she also knew that he had a soft spot for the other employee.

" i think you should check on our boss. " shuhua whispered to the girl during their break session. " i told you, me and yuta - "

" i was talking about johnny. " she cut sofia's statement in the middle, " he's becoming stiffer these days, something is wrong and i think he might want to open up with you. use the cat. " the witty girl added before she went to the restroom.

sofia had started working at the cafe about a month ago, and from the very beginning, johnny had taken an interest in her, surely it was because of the cat but it was just another of his excuse because being the owner that he was, he couldn't simply come out and express his feelings. instead, he showed his affection in his own peculiar way.

for instance, every morning before the cafe opened, johnny would personally make sure that sofia's workstation was clean and well-stocked with all the supplies she needed. he would even occasionally leave her little notes, telling her to have a good day or to take care of herself. even when shuhua told her that he had changed for these couple of days, she still received those notes that she thought was given to everyone, including shuhua and yuta. however, sofia never asked about those letters to her other co-workers because she believed that johnny would give them to everyone, right?

during the day, johnny would often keep an eye on sofia from afar, making sure she wasn't overwhelmed or stressed. he would also step in to help her with difficult customers or tasks, all while maintaining his signature smile. perhaps the most telling sign of johnny's affection was the way he would always save the best desserts for sofia. whenever a new cake or pastry came in, he would set aside the most delicious-looking one for her, even if it meant sacrificing his own treat.

at first, sofia was puzzled by johnny's behavior. she couldn't quite figure out if he was being genuinely nice or if he was just trying to mess with her. but over time, she began to realize that johnny's actions were all coming from a place of care and concern.

that evening when the cafe was closing up, sofia approached johnny with a slightly embarrassed expression on her face. " oppa... " she said, shuffling her feet nervously. " i just wanted to say... thank you. for all your hard work. you're doing a great job every day. "

johnny was taken aback by sofia's sudden display of emotion and he couldn't help but smile. " thanks sofia, " he said, feeling a warmth in his chest. " you're not so bad yourself, you know. " he chuckled. sofia grunted in response, but johnny could tell that she was secretly pleased.

johnny was known for being a hard worker, but he never really talked much to his employees these days. he himself couldn't quite explain it, but whenever sofia was around, he found himself feeling a little flustered and jealous. he didn't want to admit it, but he felt like he wanted sofia all to himself. whenever she talked to other customers or employees, johnny found himself glaring at them, silently willing them to leave her alone.

sofia also had a way of lighting up the room with her infectious smile and easy-going nature. johnny was always drawn to her energy, but he found himself feeling increasingly jealous whenever he saw her interacting with other people. he tried to deny these feelings, convincing himself that he was simply being protective of his employee, but deep down, he knew that it was something more.

besides, johnny couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy whenever the girl would laugh with her customers or chat with her male friends during her breaks. he longed to be the one making her smile, yet he was too shy to make a move.

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