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sofia was very much startled to see yuta standing there, just existing in general. he was the kind of guy who always looked very cold and distant, and sofia had always found that intriguing. yuta was just standing there holding her bag.

" you left your bag. i thought i should bring it to you, " he said in a cold tone.

sofia blushed and couldn't believe her luck. she was finally having a proper conversation with yuta, and he was even being kind enough by bringing her belongings instead of just leaving it there. the girl thanked him and asked if he wanted to grab a quick meal with her as a way of saying thank you.

" tako...yaki ? " yuta hesitated for a moment, but then agreed when the girl said that. the two of them sat down at a near takoyaki stan, and the conversation started off awkwardly. sofia couldn't stop thinking about how handsome yuta was, and the man was trying his best to keep the conversation going.

" how was your day? " sofia asked, trying to break the ice. yuta replied, " as usual, nothing too exciting happened, why did you ask that though... we work together. "

at that time, sofia realized that she needed to come up with a better topic of conversation. she remembered that yuta was a big fan of anime, so she asked him what his favorite anime was.

" a lot. " his answer was pretty much distant and sofia swore she wanted to give up. " naruto, boruto, one piece, dragon ball -

out of the blue yuta suddenly started listing the anime titles he loved to watch. it turned out he wasn't hesitating to answer, he just needed more time to think. on the other hand, sofia was glad that yuta finally starting to open up a bit.

she was even more surprised to hear yuta talking so passionately about something, he told her why he liked those anime and who was his favorite character. sometimes he smiled, and sofia felt like she was finally getting somewhere. they continued talking about foods, music, and their hobbies. sofia couldn't stop laughing at some of the funny stories that yuta told her.

" i've been wondering, how did you know johnny? " he asked.

the question had been lingering inside his mind for a few times now. yuta had asked this from johnny, but he just wanted to verify whether he was saying the truth or not. " oh, i thought you knew that already. " sofia stated, then she explained all the details regarding the cat and their whole adoption thingy. all the little things sofia said was more realistic than what his best friend told him, at least that's what yuta thought.

" you know, i was skeptical of you. " the man confessed to not liking her at first, he thought it was unfair for sofia to suddenly get accepted in johnny's cafe but these past weeks sofia had shown quite the improvement for someone who didn't have any background in coffee.

as the night went on, sofia realized that yuta wasn't as cold and distant as she had initially thought. he was just shy and reserved, but once he opened up, he was funny, charming, and kind. when it was time to leave, yuta walked sofia home and handed her the bag. he leaned in and gave her a shy smile before saying, " it was nice talking to you, sofia. we should do this again sometime. "

the girl smiled back, feeling butterflies in her stomach and said, " i would love that! thank you for bringing my bag back to me and see you tomorrow boss. " the girl teased and yuta smiled warmly in response being called her boss. with that, the two of them said their goodbyes and sofia went to bed with a smile on her face, feeling happy and hopeful about what tomorrow might hold.

the next day, sofia woke up with a full smile on her face. for the first time, she felt sad not having to work that day. it's true that she only work as a part timer on johnny's cafe, maybe she could be a full timer once she graduated. she didn't have any class either that day, the lecturer decided to postpone the class due to his researching schedule.

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