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sofia had been working part-time at johnny's cafe for a few months now. her boss redecorated the cafe as a cozy little place with wooden tables, new chairs, and colorful cushions. the girl loved working there because of the peaceful atmosphere, the delicious coffee, and the friendly customers. it was a perfect fit for her and she loved making coffee for the regular customers.

however, today was different. it was a busy weekend and the cafe was packed with customers. to make matters worse, yuta had called in sick, leaving only sofia, johnny, and shuhua to handle the rush.

the girl had never seen the cafe this busy before. there were customers waiting for tables, orders piling up at the counter, and a constant stream of people coming in and out. it was overwhelming, but the girl knew she had to keep her cool.

" may i take your order? " she took a deep breath and started taking orders, writing them down as fast as she could. johnny was frantically making coffee and sandwiches, while shuhua was running around serving customers, clearing tables, and making sure everyone was happy.

the hours flew by in a blur of activity. sofia's hand were aching, her hands were shaking, and her head was spinning. but the girl didn't give up. she kept smiling, kept serving and kept pushing through.

finally, after what felt like an eternity, the rush started to slow down after the lunch break. customers started leaving, the orders became fewer and the three of them could take a breather. they sat down at a table and shared a cup of coffee, exhausted but relieved.

" you did great, " said johnny, patting sofia on the head. " i really couldn't have managed without you both."

sofia smiled, feeling proud of herself. it had been a tough half-day, but she had made it through. and she knew that she had gained valuable experience and skills that would help her in the future.

" hey, what about me? " shuhua scrunched her nose in annoyance, she wanted some validations from johnny as well. " i thought you prefer cash rather than words, " johnny teased the girl and shuhua immediately agree.

sofia looked at her side, glaring at her boss. " what about me? " she said, also wanting to get a raise from her boss.

" congratulations sofia, you just won an unlimited date with me. " johnny chuckled and the girl ended up blushing hard.

" oooh... have i missed something? " shuhua played with her eyebrows, she was happy to see sofia getting flustered. " a lot of things actually, right sofia? " johnny winked at the flustered girl and they both laughed.

" stop it- we have work again! "

sofia sprinted into her station as she couldn't hide her embarrassment and she didn't want to see them both. however, the owner of the coffee shop wouldn't stop teasing her.

it started with a small conversation, " have you realized something? " johnny leaned near the girl's station, eyeing the girl who couldn't see him straight in his eyes. " what? " sofia asked.

" that you looked extra pretty today. " he said as he couldn't stop staring at her.

sofia tried to ignore johnny's teasing and continued with her work, but it was becoming harder and harder to concentrate. " why are you ignoring me? " the man asked. the girl would feel her cheeks flush every time he said something and she would become flustered and nervous around him.

sofia was preparing a latte for another customer when johnny came up behind her and whispered in her ear, " you know, sofia, you're the reason why my cafe is so successful. "

sofia's heart skipped a beat and she accidentally spilled some milk on the counter. she turned around, her face red with embarrassment, and muttered, " not now please. "

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