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it was the morning after and sofia woke up in a strange bed. she was confused at first, struggling to remember how she got there. as she slowly came to her senses, she realized she was in jungwoo's room. her heart started racing as she tried to recall the events of the previous night.

the last thing she remembered was drinking heavily and playing truth or dare with the others, that's it.

as she tried to sit up, she noticed that she was wearing a different outfit than the one she remembered wearing. she looked around the room and saw her dress folded neatly on a chair. she felt a sudden wave of embarrassment as she realized that jungwoo must have changed her clothes. the girl felt her cheeks flush as she imagined what happened last night.

sofia was flustered and didn't know what to do. she was grateful that he took care of her, but she was also mortified that he saw her in such a vulnerable state. she tried to compose herself when jungwoo came into the room and saw that sofia was already awake. " oh, you're up, " he said with a smile. " how are you feeling? "

sofia's heart skipped a beat as he walked towards her. she felt her cheeks turn red as he sat down on the bed next to her, " what happened? did i faint or something? " she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper.

jungwoo nodded. " yeah, you fainted and i carried you to my bed. " sofia looked around the room, feeling a bit uncomfortable, " relax, i slept at the sofa. " jungwoo smiled while shaking his head.

sofia felt a flutter in her stomach as she looked at jungwoo, waking up in his bed felt surreal, " thank you. " she said softly.

jungwoo smiled. " no problem. " the man was dying to know whether sofia remembered the things she had done to him. however, after seeing how the girl behaved that morning, it seemed like she remembered nothing at all.

she had always been a responsible and cautious person, didn't like to let loose too much and rarely indulged in alcohol. however, last night was different. it was a wild night for sofia. she danced, drank, and had the time of her life, but the next morning was a different story. sofia herself couldn't believe that she would wake up with a pounding headache, dry mouth, and a sickly feeling in her stomach. she knew instantly that she had a hangover.

she received a few missed calls from kun but the girl managed to cover everything by texting him that she continued to have a sleepover and the girl mentioned nothing about staying over at a man's house. " fine, give me the address and i'll get you in thirty minutes. " sofia was about to leave on her own but she knew well that her brother wouldn't let her so she ended up texting him jungwoo's address instead. let just hope that he won't notice it as another man's resident.

jungwoo knew she had been drinking heavily the night before so he went out to buy for some breakfast and medicine to help with her hangover. sofia hesitated at first, not wanting to seem needy or vulnerable in front of her senior but her hangover was so bad that she eventually gave in and accepted his offer.

the lovely man arrived at her doorstep with a bag of goodies, including a bacon and egg sandwich, a bottle of gatorade, some painkillers, and his signature smile. he then sat with her on the bed as she ate her breakfast and drank the medicine, they chatted a little about the previous night's events.

as they talked, sofia began to feel more comfortable around jungwoo. she had always been nervous around him, but his kindness and caring demeanor made her feel at ease. the girl started to open up to him about her life and he listened attentively.

as the morning went on, sofia's hangover gradually subsided and she felt much better. she thanked jungwoo for his help and apologized for being so out of it. but the man just smiled and said it was no big deal. he was glad to have been able to help.

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