♡ 22 ♡

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time flew by as a month filled with campaigns had finally passed, leaving the team to prepare both the grand closing and announcement of the new student chairman.

mark walked out of the booth and met sofia in front of the hall. " have you voted yet? "

sofia replied him with a confused look. " you know i can't vote, right? " she raised one of her eyebrows, knowing mark must had forgotten that none of the committee was allowed to vote during the election. " oh yeah, i forgot, ahaha. " he started scratching his not-so-itchy head and the younger one smiled shyly to cheer him.

ten ran with a face which showed both panic and concerned, something must had gone wrong. " sofia!! "

just as she exactly thought, it turned out that they were running out of election paper and some guys over there told ten to contact sofia for help. the girl let out a sigh after hearing ten's request because she remembered where she saved the rest of election paper and she needed to get it now, pronto.

their eyes widened to hear about ten's sudden conversation on the phone. " what!? the lectures are about to come for voting?? "

as soon as they heard it, sofia hurried down the corridor, dodging people left and right while trying not to get knocked over in the process. as she ran, she spotted doyoung walking in her direction, but she was going too fast to stop or maneuver around him and before she knew it, they collided.

she stumbled forward, and doyoung caught her in his arms but their lips meeting in a sudden, unexpected kiss. for a moment, time seemed to stand still as they looked into each other's eyes, both feeling a spark of attraction that neither of them could ignore. sofia was momentarily lost in the sensation of his lips on hers. both were a little dazed because she landed right on top of him with her face inches away from his. they were both stunned, unsure of what to do or say.

doyoung scrambled to his feet, blushing with embarrassment as he apologized profusely. the girl also tried to get up, but her shoelace had gotten tangled up and she was stuck. " shit, i'm so sorry! " as she tried to untangle it, she found herself staring into his eyes. they were a deep shade of brown, and she felt a jolt of electricity run through her body. for a moment, it felt like they were the only two people in the world.

finally, they managed to free themselves and as they stood up, sofia realized that she was still blushing furiously. feeling embarrassed by the whole ordeal, she left running fast leaving doyoung who didn't seem to mind at all. in facts, accidents happen, and sometimes they can be the start of something great.

he looked down to find sofia's forgot to bring her wallet with her. " ah, that kid, how am i supposed to meet her now!? " he started ruffling his hair and jumped in frustration.

for the first time, doyoung couldn't think of any rational solution, he was having an inner breakdown to choose between happiness in receiving his first kiss or panicking over the accident. " ah screw it! " he shouted while bending down to collect sofia's left belonging. he knew that he was still responsible to return those whether he had the nerve to see her or not.

doyoung chased sofia down to the hall but found nothing but an empty stage, he walked to the backstage and checked the tent one by one but it seemed that sofia had finished finding the papers. he walked back and front, trying to think where sofia might be as he needed to apologize and return her important goods. just imagining the blushing look on sofia's face made his gut wrenched in pain.

" you're literally my savior! " ten said while bringing the papers back to where it was needed, both the girl and mark waved their hands to say farewell.

mark smiled and asked sofia whether she had some free time after the election. he wanted to treat her for some cake.

" sure, let me check my ─

before panicking, she dug her arms inside her pockets and found nothing but air. " shit. where's my wallet!? " mark was surprised to notice sofia busily searching around the area for her dark colored wallet.

mark asked worriedly and sofia immediately remembered her embarrassing incident with doyoung. " did it fall? "

just before she was about to call doyoung, he suddenly showed up from her back. his surprising presence made her very much shocked and flustered. " your wallet... "

doyoung handed over sofia's fallen belongings with a sheepish smile, " thanks... "

mark could feel the odd tension between them, as if something had happened without his knowing. thus, feeling uncomfortable, he decided to leave and changed his plan with sofia for another day. " well i think i need to go, i'll chat you, okay? " said mark before he bowed his head lightly at the two and walked away.

when sofia accidentally kissed the doyoung, she was mortified. she couldn't stop replaying the incident over and over in her head. she was convinced that doyoung must think she was a complete klutz and that she had no idea what she was doing. she was determined to apologize to him, to make things right, but she didn't know how to start.

and now that doyoung stood in front of her, sofia nervously avoided the boy's gaze, hoping that he wouldn't bring up the incident. " um," she said tentatively. " about this noon... i'm really sorry. i didn't mean to... you know..."

but before she could finish her sentence, doyoung cut her off with a smile. " it's okay, " he said, his eyes twinkling. " in fact, i kind of liked it. "

sofia's eyes widened in surprise, and she felt a blush spread across her cheeks. " really?" she asked, her heart racing.

" yeah" he said, still smiling. " i mean, it was unexpected, but it was also kind of... nice. "

sofia felt her heart swell with confusion. she couldn't believe that doyoung had actually enjoyed the kiss. it was like something out of a movie. she smiled at him with her eyes gazing down at her shoes, her face turned red everytime their eyes met.

as sofia was turning around, doyoung managed to grab her wrist, " there's something i want to ask you. "

sofia hesitated to stay for a second, her eyes were glaring around the ceiling as she tried to compose herself.

" so, my brother is going to have a baby... and i wanted to get him something for the baby shower," he said, trying to sound casual. " i figured i could use some help from you in selecting the present. "

the girl shyly nodded, still smiling, but doyoung felt like he had blown his chance to make things romantic. he spent the entire week leading up to this moment, trying to figure out how to make his feelings clear without ruining their friendship

sofia waved and walked to her next meeting. " well, see you this weekend then. " doyoung let out his biggest sigh of the week, as if he was running a marathon. he was very much satisfied to know that sofia agreed to help.

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